My Story

July 10 2006

It started out as a normal day. Hanging out with my friends, looking back on the fun times and looking forward to the future.

Then in a rush of madness, Tim turned.....Crazy and Uncontrollable.

I ran for my life, but I decided i had to show him who was boss and stand up for myself. So...

I killed him. It had to happen. I couldn't bear the verbal abuse any longer!! Those days of Tim & Emily, friends with pop tarts and silly putty are now gone.

Don't hate me, Tim! you kno it's funny.

**Oh, yeah, and Tim's not really dead. It's just part of the story. He comes back in "My story 2: It's Not Over". So look for the sequel!! And yes, i know, i have a overactive imagination.

<3 emily

Elaine Stephens

July 10 2006
lol, it's great i love you & miss you!