**today is the day that could change a year**

February 16 2006

 i am not going to define my whole senior year with one production. it would just be nice to be recognized for once. to show all my hard work and dedication has gotten me somewhere. and yes, aaron, i'm maternal (protective/motherly) about you! the fighting makes me nervous. lol.

Hopefully, all this work has gotten me somewhere! pray for my sanity and patience! *emily*


February 02 2006

i hardly am on the computer anyone. My life is so cRaZy. i don't know what i'm gonna do anymore. I've about drove myself crazy! not as bad as everyone may think tho,.......ok, so

whats new

Clinical, my new love of ACTUALLY LEAVING at 2, going to work @ 6, service desk, being outrageously nervous, being very, i mean, very maternal...evern when i dont have kids!!! ZOUNDS!! what will i do...*emily*

**and i think to myself, what a wonderful world...**

January 04 2006

Well, 2006. a year for great things. Yea, the phusebox people are getting ready to realize that i'm a very sensitive person. And i saw this thing, A new year for a new you. Whoop-de-do-da! Just because the year has changed and the fact that i graduate in 5 months, doesnt mean i have to run out **today** and get a new haircut.

It's crazy. Least everythung is kind of going back to normal. ...

I have been an apology junkie lately. I apologized for things i said about people behind their back, things i said to their faces, and things that just lacked an explanation. And most of them forgave me. Which made me feel 10x better. hopefully, the rest of the year will go off without a snap.

oh, and guess what...**Donald & I got back together..like a half minute b4 the ball dropped New Year's Eve.** ~sighs~ what a wonderful world we live in! *emily*


December 12 2005
Imagine Saturday night. 10 Dec 2005.... about 8:00 o'clock and.................... I'm in the middle of OpryLand Hotel, lookin at these GORGEOUS ChRiStMaS Lights.... OmG, they were so pretty. I seriously acted like i was about 3, because you just have to understand that i love Christmas more than just about any. The whole sha-bang too. I love the lights, the tree, the food, the songs, EVERYTHING. and yes, people's attitudes SHOULD be better during Christmas because we celebrate in remembrance not "I want _________________ for Christmas." Yeah, so, I decided that i'm going to live in OpryLand...Not the rooms, just live in the garden area or something...just pose as an elf when someone walks by...lol...I wish everyone loved Christmas as i do....*emily*

this is...different...

December 07 2005
SO i am trying to figure all this out, and its rlly awesome that i can do this in school, and not be BLOCKED!!! how amazing...well, to introduce myself, today i am Snowflake the Green Elf in the skit i wrote titled "Santa is Missing!" and yes, it IS totally adorable...Oh, and I love Smiling!! there you go!! me in a nutshell!! *emily*