So I guess this is farewell

June 11 2005
Monday i head out to the Wilds in NC for the last time as a camper. i guess it's bitter sweet. i hope to work there in the future tho. the only thing that is really heavy on my heart is that i will be visiting w/ a friend from CIT (a two week "Camper In Training" program) last year... and i have to have a "talk" w/ him. i have a feeling that i'll have to break his heart. i dread it. i really do. i know that God has a plan for all this. and i'm trusting that this week will be great. yet, i could really use your prayers

thank you for this last chance to visit as a camper. thank you for the 2 girls from church who are rooming w/ me. thank you for our sponsers. God, i really want to pray for my counselor that you would give her some extra grace this week. give her the words that we will all need to hear. help me to serve her in any way possible. be with the girls in my cabin... i pray each heart (including my own) would be open and ready for all that you have for us to learn. help us to draw closer to you this week. help our cabin to truely be unified be w/ the speakers. give them the words that every ear there will need to hear... and help every heart to be changed by it. prepare each heart for your word. do great things in our lives (including the speakers, counselors, sponsers, and staff). be with me as i talk to my friend. help him to understand all that i have to say. help me to be compassionate, honest, and open. help me to point him to you and every way possible. help him to see that you are my first priority. thank you for this gift and time of singleness in my life. help me to be satisfied w/ you in every way and to wait on your timing for romance. let my heart never wonder. go w/ me. and bless this week. in Christ's name, amen.