3 weeks and 2 days... man!

August 11 2005
yup... that's umm... let me get a calculator... hmmm... 3x7+2=23days! i can't believe that i leave for school in 23 days! that's just madness! i don't think it will really set in until the last week before college. i can't wait to see what God's got instore... i know that this is going to be a time to draw closer to Him. i know college isn't going to be the cake walk that high school was... i mean... you're talking to the girl who didn't try and got B's all the time... i'm sure i'll have to work for C's! that's going to kill me! but i'll be good. anyways... i know that was so random... but that's what's really on my mind lately. lol. ~Hope


August 12 2005
hope it's always so good to see you at chikfila! you have such a positive attitude and you're always just an encouragement to me! we haven't hung out too much, but i know college will love you. you'll be great! i love you!