God's given me a window... and i can finally see the light?

August 08 2005
so there's been a friend from work who i've been praying for for... over a year now. as far as i know... she doesn't know Christ. like... i can't tell you the burden that God has given me for her. and like... i dunno... sometimes i just feel so helpless... b/c i dunno... i just hurts sometimes. tonight she got a call that her grandmother has cancer... she was so upset (i would be too i'm sure)... but my GM grabbed me and Amber... and asked us to lead in prayer. so we got to pray over her... and i know you're saying..."so what? you prayed over her... you've done that for other people." and yeah... maybe that's true... but she's never allowed us to do that. that's huge to me! i really just want to ask you guys to pray for her.. pray for her grammy... and pray for her.. that this would draw her to Christ... and not push her away from Him.. pray that she'd see her need for Him. pray that i would be a testimony and encouragement to her. thank you, guys. i love you all...