A bunch of RaNdOmnEsS...

July 27 2005
*Mikey's home!!! me and Amber got to go w/ his mommy to the airport :) on the way there we saw a guy eating his boogers... it was nasty... and umm... yeah... Mike is dark... and umm.... i'm happy he's home :) fUn TiMeS.

*since last night was kid's night Smitty the clown was there... i still don't like clowns but i find myself just watching him... he doesn't seem very happy.... and i mean... he muct love being a clown... b/c you don't become a clown for the money. lol... but no... really... i wonder if he knows Jesus... i might talk to him some time... if i can get past the scary wig, that is.

*some kid took a poo in the play place last night... guess who got to clean it up? lol... we had to close the play place for the rest of the night... oh darn.. lol.

*today i finally found my last peice for my flute audition when i get to school. i'm so happy! one less thing to stress over... and umm.. it's my favorite classical peice too!

*i'm making some of my Christmas presents now... i've decided that i don't want to spend much money at Christmas b/c i'm a "poor college student". lol. i know i'll be usuing that excuse for the next 4 years. tihe

*yeah... i know this post is silly and random.... but my life is really random right now... it switches between school and work and friends... and God's in the mix there too... it's just so crazy right now... i can't wait for it to settle down. lol... not that i don't like the excitement... it just makes me tired.