Today Marks 9 months of not dating

July 17 2005
*wow... i can hardly believe that i only have three months left. it's crazy b/c it feels like yesterday i made the commitment. the other night i went through and wrote down everything that i've learned so far. it's so amazing. God has changed me in so many ways. the hard thing is that he never really changed my desire... He just changed my focus... but somedays are harder to focus on Him than others. i've learned that the days that i don't spend time in His word are the hardest. i know that God is writing my love story... and i'm just going to wait.

*on another note in church tonight i came across these awesome verses...

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and every sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God." -Isaiah 53:4-5

the thing that stuck out the most to me was that Christ endured the cross because He saw joy ahead... do know what that joy was? you and me coming into a true relationship w/ Him. is that not amazing? He saw that as joy! the kind that makes you happy to be around that person... the kind that makes you smile as you look back on memories of that person... the kind that goes hand in hand w/ a love that puts the other person before self. Proverbs 8:30 says that i'm daily His delight. man... i just can't praise Him enough for it.. b/c that's something that i've longed for... just to be thought of all the time... just to be remembered... just to be important to someone... just to be delighted in... just to be constantly loved. and i'm ashamed that i haven't seen that i already had that in Christ. food for thought.


July 17 2005
wow girl congratulations- i didn't realize we were really close in our commitments! keep strong! God is preparing you and your man! i love you!


July 18 2005
you make me smile hopesters!!! i love you and i'm so so SO proud of you! keep strong and focused loved one!! i love you tons! see ya at work!