
July 16 2005
*last night at work was crazy insane anyways... but as i was opening the back door to get rid of a box i heard a crash behind me. when i turned around to see what happened my General Manager ,Jeff, was laying on the floor right outside the freezer. he had been getting fry boxes out and he had on the wrong shoes so he slipped and fell and hit his head on something. he was bleeding. so me and Kevin (who was incharge) got him some ice. Jeff was walking around the kitchen saying that he felt light headed... one of the girls told him to sit down. Kevin and I found the phone and i called 911 while Cassie put pressure on his head. it wasn't his wond that i was worried about... i was worried about him going into shock... we would have had a hard time if he passed out on us. the paramedics arrived and took him. i think he's okay. we had prayer after he left. that was nice. yeah... last night ended well i'd say... the hard thing was that after a day of stress everyone was just drained... hehe... but i know i slept well :) it just really made me appreciate the people who do emergency stuff and all... and it made me grateful for the fact that i've never had to call 911 before... and i'm glad that it wasn't worse b/c it could have been.

Rachael Moore

July 16 2005
oh my1 that is crazy!!! i am glad that he is okay and congrats on you guys for how well you handled the situation...man i sound like a mom. gah...