Thunder Storms and Songs of Praise

June 28 2005
so on the way to GA last night the bottom fell out of the sky and the rain started pouring. everyone was frightened (except yours truely only b/c i'm used to driving in storms w/ my daddy :) anyways... so somehow me and this other girl started talking about praise & worship music and how she's beginning to like it. then we started singing "this is the air i breathe, your holy presence..." (you know the one) so we just sang it over and over and everyone joined in. all was peace and calm right in the middle of the storm. isn't God amazing like that?! wow! i thought it was awesome!

so GA was fun... i screamed... the biggest ride i went on was the GA Cyclone... hmm... i really didn't like it... but hey... atleast i can say i tried it! i have to say that i'm in love w/ Thurnder River. rode it about... oh say... 3-4 times? lol. anyways... it was a great trip... but i'm worn out! so g'night Children of the Living God! ~Hope