this weeks pick-me-up

June 25 2005
i can't tell you how many times this verse has encouraged me all week long.

Proverbs 24:16 "A just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief."

it just reminds me that no matter how hard to try... i'm not perfect... and i have to admit that sometimes when i make mistakes i get so frustrated... but everyone makes mistakes! the just man most certainly does! but guess what? he gets back up! if i want to follow his example i've got to get back up... and not just wollow in it... and woe-is-me... which reminds me of another verse...

Luke 9:23 "And He [Jesus] said to them all, 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me."

it's a daily commitment... it's a daily battle... i can't just say a prayer and suddenly be super Christian (although i wish i could. lol). i've got to constantly hate sin and love God... and there's going to be days where i mess up... where i feed my flesh rather than my spirit... there will be days where i hurt God's testimony in me rather than help it... but PRAISE GOD... i can get back up... i don't have to stay down... it's like God gives me chance after chance.... He forgives me. and i'm so so so grateful. ahh!!! it just thrills me inside and out! my God is so gracious! and i really just want to encourage you... yeah... you're going to fail... but don't stay down... there's still so many new chances... so many new moments to live for God... tell others of His love... spend time w/ Him... be a light in our dark world... and when you feel like you've recked it all... Praise God that He wants to help you get back up... Praise Him that He wants to use you regardless of your past. Praise Him for His grace and mercy. Let's Praise Him together!

Rachael Moore

June 26 2005
amen! so true! i am a perfectionist...and i really beat myself up about things. and am learning, especially with this attack i have been under lately, just to look to God. not looking at things around you, not listening to satan, but pressing onward. and even when i am faithless, he is faithful, and if i fall he gets me back up and keeps using me! God is so awesome! we need to hang out again! love ya girl!