
November 23 2006

THANKSGIVING...isn't it just AWESOME????!!!

Well i cant tlk very long because my grandparents are here and i am going to have to go back down stairs in a little while and help my mom finish cooking lunch..... We have like a 13 pound turkey and my grandpa braught a HUGE SMOKED HAM.... IT SMELLS AND LOOKS REALLLLLLLLLLLY GOOOD! of course we are having the other stuff that is origanal for our family on a Thanksgiving Lunch...... Homade Mashed Potatoes, this like Sweet Potatoe Cassarole, French Cut Green Beans, Both a Chocolate PIE AND 2 Pumpkin Pies ( one was made with REALLY healthy stuff because my Grandpa has Diabieties) We are also having rolls and stuff.....the list could go on forever. We bought Ice AGE 2 the MELTDOWN so we were watching that earlier..... i guess i better go but i will probably tell you more later..... k BYEE!!!!

