I have never been so unhappy to see my father. And I have never had a stupider reason.

August 23 2005

I just wanted to be home by myself all day.

I wanted to chill out, take a short nap [got those done no problem], do some laundry, do my homework, maby work out or clean my room.

I just wanted to do it without being told to.

I wanted to do it when nobody else was around so I wouldn't feel like I had to prove that I'm responsible.

So of course, right after I change clothes to get started working, and right before I start sorting laundry - my dad waltzes in.

"blahblahblah"-something stupid about JROTC that I don't really give a damn about and I can't for the life of me figure out why he thinks I would.

Come on, Dad... don't say it...


It's bad enough that you came home while I was still here... Please don't say it...

"How much homework do you have?"


Is it that hard?

And is it so wrong that I would FOR ONCE like to do something responsible without being told to do it first?

Jeezy creezy... I know he's just trying to be a good parent and make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. But believe it or not, I'm a lot more motivated to do something when I don't have someone hounding me all the time.

I seriously can't do the homework. Not right now, anyways.

I think I'll throw in a load of clothes [I really really need them] and head out to Cat's or Digital Planet. I want to get a new CD. I might as well take my time browsing.


August 23 2005
darn parents.. have to spoil everything. tell him, thanks dad, i'm getting to that LATER!!!!!!