Batten down the hatches, make sure your trays are locked in the upright position, and hold on tight.

August 15 2005

It has begun.

The school year that will kick my ass.

[Well, the first one to kick my ass, anyways.]

To be perfectly honest, I'm terrified of the upcoming year.

Anyone else afraid of roller coasters? Well, have you ever finally psyched yourself up to ride a huge coaster that you'd normally be too scared to go on?

If you have then you'll know the feeling of how badly you want to prove yourself when you sit down and strap in and the ride starts. As the ride cranks up that first big slope, you start doubting yourself with every chink of the chain. Then you're at the top; you ease over. At the split second between easing over and plummetting down at light-speed you have the perfect view of what you've gotten yourself into:

And it just may be the most terrifying thing you've ever seen in your life.

Once you're past that split second, it's too late. You're free falling and then you're roaring around the track that has been laid out for you. You scream and cry and you're terrified. But before you know it, you come to a sudden stop. You're eased back to the loading dock. You're released until it's time for you to board the next thrill ride.

Just like that, the year's over.

You walk away thinking to yourself, "Well, that wasn't so bad."

Just keep telling yourself that until you once again find yourself looking straight down into your own academic oblivion.

. . . . ?

Ever get the impression that I take school to seriously?


August 15 2005
dont' worry about taking school seriously. we need peeps like that. and i can so relate. this semester in college is going to be a night mare.


August 16 2005
i wish you could have met him to but im sure you pretty much know the things he stood for which is the thing that really matters

Anthony Myers

August 21 2005
Fear not school: fear Ragland