Mark says WHAT? Oh yeah, and I got a job.

August 04 2005

Alright, fine. Job first. My interview was not so much the,

"Well tell me a little about yourself, Sarah. What will make you an asset to my company?"

and more the

"Thanks for coming out today, Sarah. Okay, what I want you to do today is blahblahblah... Christi can show you how."

*Mrs. Singletary leaves*

"Soooo, Christi. Think I got the job?"

"Uhhh... YEAH."

So I am employed. $6 an hour. Screen printing. Cleaning. Babysitting. Hanging out with a ton of good friends. It's all gravy, baby.

Now... Mark says WHAT? He's positively mad, I tell you. Mark [Raider Team CO, my company CO, and the object of my obsession hormonal desire] is setting up a rope bridge for the cadet freshies to play on tomorrow. At the AAR [After Action Review] today, Colonel asked if he wanted anyone specific to be assigned to him.

At first, it made sense. All very active Raiders. All people who had been on the team for years.

Jake Durant, Joseph Barron, and Amber Burgess.

He needed another girl to help the fresh-women to put their swiss seats on. Kristin Michaels [who is one of those hardcore Raider for two years people] volunteered to do it.

Oh, but no.

He says, "Aaaaaand... Vermillion."

*blink blink*

Mark says WHAT?

"Uhhh, honey? I don't know how to do anything with a rope bridge, I'm not on Raiders, remember."

"Then we'll have to teach you, won't we?"

*blink blink*

I don't know a swiss seat from the swiss alps. I am the ONLY person assigned to run the rope bridge tomorrow that is NOT a Raider.

PURE INSANITY, I tell you.

Now, I know what all my friends who want to keep my spirits up are thinking, "Aww, it's just because he likes you and he wants to see what you look like tied up."

But I know better... I know it's one of the following things: a. he's making a last ditch effort to recruit me for Raiders [has been trying for two years - not happening, I am the anti-raider] or b. he is trying to punish me for harassing him and giving him hell all week.

. . . or c. being outdoors all day having to listen to retarted freshmen has rotted the three brain cells he has left and he has gone truly mad.


August 04 2005
oh i work there also. but i've got babysitting. so i might only be there on saturdays until school starts up. Maybe.


August 04 2005
oh. yea, congrats. we needed the extra help.

Mark Eatherton

August 05 2005
Kudos! You got a job!

Bekah Thoe

August 06 2005
hey sarah!! so you like mark ah? he came over to our house a couple times but thats it he is a looker i must say! well ttyl! B.

Bekah Thoe

August 06 2005
oh yes quite a looker indeed! we VH1ers need to stick together!!! (my dad banned me from it) but im a little trouble maker and i watch it and then turn the channel befre anyone sees *evil grin* haha! yes yes! ta ta! B.

aryn greene

August 06 2005
-jimi hendrix.

Bekah Thoe

August 07 2005
i love my entry you ought yo read it if you do anything! it rocks the coolest socks so if you ear cool socks you need ot read it..yeah and tell all your friends who wear coold socks to read it too! just cause i like it! lovely little me! B.


August 08 2005
props on the job booskidooski