*random noise of frustration*

July 31 2005
Soooo yeah. Isn't sucking as much as I thought it would [everyone's still downstairs - minus Brian, Koren, and Becky who couldn't make it.]

We're actually having a good time. Although I'm not sure if there's a contest going on to see who breaks and cries first... I wasn't going to let it be me so I took a few minutes off and came up to my room.

I talked to my Grandpa. Mistake. I've always had an incredible amount of respect for my Grandpa, even if I'm not quite as close to him as I am to Granny. Mom and Vicki were talking about the funny things that Rob would say when he was on medicine that made him angry... Grandpa said [to me],

"I didn't think he would die. Even the morning that he died and Granny came in and said, 'You better go in and say goodbye to him, he's not going be much longer,' I didn't think he would die."

That morning was my Grandpa's 59th birthday.

I couldn't say anything to him without my voice cracking, so I turned around and pretended to listen something my Granny was saying.

My mom brought the photo albums. I'm gonna see if she'll let me borrow them and scan a bunch of the pictures. There's a bunch of me, my brothers, my cousins, aunts, uncles, old friends, relatives who have died. Some damn good pictures. I'll see about getting them on here.


July 31 2005
You had a party?

Stephanie Levine

July 31 2005
If I wasn't invited to a party-I'm going to be sad. I mean....I love youuu.