Who wants mac'n'cheese?

March 06 2006


My weekend was cool.  Got to hang out with the amazing Brian, Nemanja, Katie, and Sonja on Friday.  For the record, Final Destination 3 is hilarious.  Haha.  Nail uzi.

Got to hang out with Michael Cole on Saturday morning.  "Hercules, Hercules!"  Then came home and fell in bed after being up for about 20 hours.  Slept.  Woke up.  Watched TV.  Did nothing productive.

Sunday, much the same as Saturday, minus the hanging out with Michacco in the morning.  Went to see Date Movie with Rachel H.  Not as funny as I was hoping, but not an entire dissappointment either.

Today?  Boring as hizzeck.  I've still got counseling to do.  Why, oh why do I procrastinate so?


March 06 2006
so yeah i'm just saw my name and... come to say yay for me:))