I take it back.

February 16 2006
My military ball dress wasn't ugly. It just needed to go on a diet and lose a few sizes.

Went to The Perfect Dress to pick it up and try it on one last time just in case. It looks amazing. That seamstress is a magician.

So I take back what I said about my dress. And what I said about The Perfect Dress. Neither of them suck.

Now. Just one more problem to deal with. My armpits hate me. I can be sitting still, doing nothing at all, and I'll have pit stains. Don't judge, I know you get them too. Now, the question is: How can I keep it from ruining my lovely dress? My dress last year was black, so you couldn't tell I was sweating. This dress, which is red, a color that loves to show the slightest bit of moisture, could be problematic. Any ideas?

You know what? I keep thinking about my dress from last year. I love that dress. I love it a lot. I think I might wear it again next year. Maybe to prom, instead of Military Ball, though. *shrug*

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

February 16 2006
You know Phoenix rocks the hiz-house!! (isn't my use of ebonics just splendid?) lol.


February 16 2006
heh dont worry i will be there and try to make your night better if dress cannot do that:) love u and see you saturday night:)


February 17 2006
I don't know how to help you with that but have fun!


February 17 2006
Dove Deoderant.. in the purse :-) and every hour going to put some on!

Maja Opacic

February 18 2006
I hope you have a great time!