August 02 2006
Well apparantly that last one wasn't too good of a post... and to those who might be thinking that I was just talking about punks... no... I was meerly pointing out the fact that I found them quite humorous in this matter... and by no means was I judging anyone... Seeing as I have no bases on which to judge... I was meerly venting on something that happened to make me angry at the time... By the way alot of my friends are in the punk or something like that croud... and some of them cuss... It's not like I hate everyone that cusses... I could just do without it... especially when there is no point in using it... Sorry if I offended anyone... It was not intended!
Jeana Lewis
August 03 2006
I hate cussing. I don't have to spell my reasoning correctly or justify myself. It offends me and makes the one doing the cussing, to me, seem small minded and rebellious. Don't apologize for having an opinion and stating it, Randy. Iron sharpens iron. I got your point and I agree.
Rebecca Jensen
August 03 2006
Wow... talk about getting slammed for your last post... the thing is I understand where you are coming from and I understand what you were trying to say... I think the problem came in that the generality and harshness of it made everyone read it and apply it to themselves and then feel like they had to defend themselves... To me I guess there has never been a point in trying to convince those who are not christians not to cuss, because there is no reason not to other than the two reasons Russ stated... Anyway I hate cussing as well :-)
Laura White
August 03 2006
awee. but i waannnaaa leaavvee!
i think it would be cool.. ok so thats just what i think now. and i might not even like it but still.
Laura White
August 03 2006
i was going thru my random stage.. so thats where the pokemon thing cane in!! ahah
and thanks
: ]
August 03 2006
hey! I didn't read your post.... sorry. I'm talking on the phone and not really listening.... I got your text but I had to wait on Paul and by the time I could do someything, it was too late.... And I don't know if I can go in Saturday. It depends what time I get back