the new year

January 04 2008

I always forget I have this thing!


I hope everyone had a good New Years. Mine was okay nothing special. There a couple of things I decided I wanted to do this year in 2008.


1. Move to Nashville.

A lot of people think this is crazy because i have about a year left in school and the traffic from Murfreesboro to Nashville is insane. My best friend Jenny is graduating this spring and is thinking of moving to Nashville so she's been asking me if I'll move in with her. I tried convincing her to move to Murfreesboro but she hates it here. lol. A lot of friends are going to grad school in Nashville and at least I wouldn't have to drive to see them.


2. Go on a road trip/travel more.

 I haven't been anywhwere outside the South in about seven years. When I was a kid we used to travel and go on family vacations all the time. 


3.  Make more friends/be a better friend.

More than half of my friends will be graduating in May so I virtually will have very few people to hang out with or socialize. I wasnt' very social in the past year. Maybe it was because I was in school, working constantly but whatever the case I never made an effort to really spend time with people or really even talk to friends and people from church. I feel awful about that and I'm going to do better this year.


4.  Find a new job.

I'm proud of myself. I've already turned in a few applications. Its time to find something that is isn't as stressful and actually cares about the employees.


January 04 2008
Good luck with the job hunting! Are you moving to Nashville after May? I just wanted to make sure you'd still be able to come to focus group!