my 21st birthday...and other stuff i must elaborate!

August 28 2007

So today was my 21st birthday. I had fun but I wish more people could have come and hung out longer (Monday is not the ideal day for a birthday get together especially with school starting). I was also sad some of my friends left and didn't even say goodbye but I don't want to elaborate.


Anywho first we went to Fuji and after we sat down we all realized there was no way we could afford it so we left (I felt really bad but we didn't order food or drinks or anything so I suppose that wasn't terribly bad). We ended up going to Golden Eagle Mongolian Stir-Fry which was way more reasonably priced and really good.


As far as presents go my mom got me Apples to Apples since I've been wanting that game forever and my grandma sent me $20 (to most people that doesn't seem like a lot but my grandmother really gives anyone anything so I felt special!)


I also had a sip of Boone's Farm and then quickly realized it didn't taste that great which sparked a debate over the drinking issue. I mean hello nothing can beat a Cherry Coke! (which of course I mentioned! lol). You would think alcohol would taste amazing, like liquid candy the way people around here get drunk but it doesn't.


It just suprises me how causal people treat drinking and getting drunk. No one in my family ever really drank. (I suppose this was because my grandfather was an alcoholic until the day he died. I also have a cousin who was just 8 years old when he was killed by a drunk driver walking to the bus stop.) My mom never drinks and my father had a beer every blue moon but we were always encouraged to follow the Bible standards in that regard. I believe that it is okay to have a drink (hello one of Jesus first miracles was turning water into wine!) but the Bible does warn us about being drunk and the consequences:


 *Ephesians 5:18: *

"Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit."


I also believe we should respect those who choose not to drink at all (that means if drinking is offense to them then you shouldn't drink in front of them since this could be a stumbling block for them). We also shouldn't snub our noses or talk badly about those who do choose to drink. Now if they are getting drunk and being irresponisble when drinking then I feel it is okay to warn them in a loving and non-judgement way.


All in all, I suppose I wanted my birthday to mean more to me than it did. I didn't have a bad time or anything its just in some way I am a little disappointed.  I wanted to invite more people and be more friendly, socialable, and not so quiet but I didn't. I know this is something God is pushing on me to change as well.


I guess I expected it to be great or something as I do a lot of things but I also know I need to not try to over analyze everything. I need to learn how to enjoy things for what they are and to just be content. At times I fear i am unthankful and complain too much. Maybe I just like to actually get things out of my head that I can't say out loud. I don't know but I do know I am blessed.


Thank you Jesus for a lovely day.


August 28 2007
I definitely agree with your thoughts on drinking. I'm not interested in drinking and pretty much never have been. I've obviously never had something to drink, but from what I hear a lot of it is acquired taste, and like you said, I don't really understand why everyone's so into it if that's the case. And its more expensive...