Why Men Die Before Women

March 07 2006

brigette adkins

March 07 2006
wow that's like Final Destination stuff. but hey. those are interesting! :D

Sarah Vermillion

March 07 2006
Haha... that's funny. ^_^

the brian king kenobi

March 07 2006
yeah, that's amazing.

Anna Miller

March 07 2006
haha, i love it

Ben Moser

March 07 2006
haha...nice katie.

Ben Wicks

March 07 2006
So true..

Ben Wicks

March 07 2006
I notice you are in the group, "People for the Castration of those who Break Up with their Significant Others through Email (5)" This would lead me to believe that you think breaking up through email is a purely male thing. I don't think so. Girls are dumb too and should lose their ovaries for it.

Rachel Chase

March 08 2006