Point of Information!

October 30 2005

Model UN
was....not as fun as last year.  But still pretty cool, I guess.

China was not attractive, despite what Lauren and Dana might say.

USA was, however, pretty decent looking.  Kind of short, though.

Russia got robbed of the best delegate award, even if she was really annoying. 

France was slutty again.....I guess it's a French thing???

Brazil carried on the Spiva Miraculous Hair Gene.

Korea was my hero - "Korea doesn't care about anybody else, and we will bomb you all."


"It's not the size of the boat - it's the motion of the ocean!"

"The more you milk it, the sweeter the cream!"

"My thoughts are in Swahili - I have no idea what I'm thinking."

"It was the first time I ran into a jet plane, but it would not be the last!!"

My brain is fuzzy.

Which is hotter in the opposte sex:

October 22 2005

Intelligence or talent?

Grapes, Thomas Bailey, and Mozart

October 21 2005

It's a perfectly good Friday night.

And I'm sitting at home, listening to classical piano music while doing my history homework and eating grapes.

 'Cause I'm just cool like that.

New day, better day

October 19 2005

Variety Show tomorrow!

(I love cookie dough.  It's amazing.)

We're all growing up so fast.  It's scary.  But at the same time it excites me. 

I love you.  And you, and you, and you.  And yeah, even you, a little bit.

Answer me this:

What is your favorite sound in the entire world?

I need a job.

October 17 2005

I guess I've been avoiding it.  It's not that I don't want to work - I actually do want to work. It's the application process that scares me.  I just don't want to go through that whole "apply, wait, then never get called" thing again (& again & again). 

Does anybody have any connections?  Or know some place that's hiring a lot right now?

I'll do anything.



October 15 2005

I want to do a shout-out post to some special people I think deserve shout-outs. This list is not complete – and I think all of you deserve one – but these are some of the people who’ve been on my mind. I love you guys!

Kelsey Shearron for being so gorgeous and sweet – I wish you could come to Siegel.

Lauren Walker because you put up with me and I put up with you and therefore we make great friends. Call me sometime soon.

Stephanie Levine for also being so gorgeous – my own little Paris Hilton.

Jesse Cannady for being a GOOD friend – one of the BEST I know – because frankly, you rock.

Elizabeth and Mona and Carly because I promise we will have a McFadden reunion soon!

Cole Garrett because we finally get to hang out – I think we’ve being trying to do so since about July.

Krissy Nollner for being so AMAZING that I smile every time I see you!!

Laura Stoltz and Kathryn-Claire Watts because you looked so beautiful last night – congrats on homecoming court!!

Mady Robertson for being so super - I think we need to hang out pretty soon.

Rachael Robertson for being pretty amazing….I love standing next to you for the first minute or two in Ray Charles!

Liz Grey because you make early day fun and because I fully support your plans….

And about a million other people. What would I do without y’all?


October 11 2005

Today I did stuff.

I would appriciate encouragement.

October 09 2005

I don't understand anything....

Things are up and down.

I'm confused.

But there's nothing new there...

I'm still happy.

But certain, specific things are making me very upset.

Mostly family stuff. Tied in with school stuff.

But my friends are amazing.

I love you guys.

And God is amazing - without His grace, I don't know where I'd be.

But I'm still kind of struggling.

I don't know.

This time of year is hard.

I would appriciate encouragement.

Well - turn of events -

October 07 2005

We're coming home early. Because we've done it all, seen it all in Chicago - and because it is unreasonably cold here.

My sister got in trouble for playing with a $15,000 fur coat at Marshall Fields - and we've introduced my parents to the iPod - and my sleep is messed up bcecause my brother breathes loudly at night and keeps me awake - and we ate at the most amazing place called Ed Debevic's where the waiters yell at you and insult you ("We have more important things to do than bring you an iced tea, lady!") - and we rode the El, which is the Chicago equivalent to the subway, except it's elevated - hence the name - and I saw the place where I was born (did you know I was a Chicago baby?) - and overall it was a very nice trip. I'll see you all tomorrow!


So I'm basically in Chicago right now.

October 04 2005

It's pretty nice. A lot like New York, only smaller and less diverse and with fewer "I

Tuesday's child is full of grace.

September 29 2005

Today was pretty nice. This week has been unfortunatly stressful - far too many after school activities for my taste - but I love my friends and I have had enjoyable, if somewhat tiring, days.

However -
I wish I was as talented as the other girls in Chamber Choir.
I feel like I'm in there by default - because I was stage manager for Aida.
But I'm not that good.
Not at all.

Today I ate five large cookies for lunch, and nothing else.
I think they must have had happy powder in them.
Callie is amazing!
Then I checked out early - to avoid a math test - you know how it is.

And I'm in love with like 38 different people.
Rachel Swift definitely. Kelsey Young for sure.
And about...36 others.

So wish me luck on the surgery I'm having at 3:45 - which will be my very final one!!! Oh golly. I'm pretty excited.


Reflections on the water like shadows in my mind...

September 25 2005

The first trees are changing, the first leaves are falling...

It's beautiful.

God is so good to me.

The Soundtrack of My Life

September 22 2005
- Opening Credits: “Lonesome When You Go” by Madeleine Peyroux
- Waking-Up scene: “I’m Smelling Coffee” by Chris Rice
- Average Day scene: “Running Just to Catch Myself” by Mark Schultz
- Falling In Love scene: “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You” by Elvis Presley
- Love Scene: “These Words” by Natasha Bedingfield
- Fight With a Friend scene: “We Are Not as Strong as We Think We Are” by Rich Mullins
- Break-Up/Post Break-Up scene: “Empty Chairs” by Don McLean
- Lonely scene: “Operator” by Jim Croce
- Get Back Together scene: “Cecelia” by Simon and Garfunkel
- Fight scene: “Like Father, Like Son” from AIDA
- Wandering Around Randomly scene:
- Heartbreak scene: “Am I the Only One” by Dixie Chicks
- Mental Breakdown scene: “Twenty-Four” by Switchfoot
- Driving scene: “Country Roads” by John Denver
- Sex scene: “The Night is Still Young” by Billy Joel
- Dream sequence: “Such Greats Heights” by The Postal Service
- Party scene: “Yeah” by Usher
- Happy Dance scene: “Feelin’ Groovy” by Simon and Garfunkel
- Regret scene: “I So Hate Consequences” by Relient K
- Long Night Alone scene: “Hold Me Jesus” by Rich Mullins
- Closing credits: “Do You Hear the People Sing?” from Les Miserables

I'm gonna send you back to Arkansas

September 17 2005

Ick, today I've been ad blitzing, which is basically my least favorite thing in the entire world to do. It's mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. I only asked five buisnesses to buy ads, but I feel like I want to collapse. I did manage to make one sale - a half page, which is pretty good - and one interested buiness told me to come back Monday, but I did get one really rude rejection. And I hate rejection.

Yesterday was too fun. Wow. My friends and I are so special. We got together to watch a movie...and ended up gathering around the piano to sing broadway show tunes and Christmas carols. Crazy kids.

Anyway, I'm plum tired. And sore, since I had the worst leg cramp of my life last night (I almost passed out!) And hungry. So, in celebration of being slightly more than halfway to my ad deadline, I shall eat a popsicle and take a nap....woooopt.

Later, my taters.



September 15 2005

When it rains, it pours.


September 13 2005

Today was....utterly nondescript.

I annoy myself sometimes.

Does anyone else ever have that problem?

You know what?

September 10 2005

I visited Sewanee today.

And I think I may really want to go there.

Penguin baseball

September 08 2005

You have to try this.

It's extremely addictive.

Just click to send the penguin down, then click again to swing.

: )


September 07 2005

Okay, so today was kind of annoying.
I was very cold, all day long, and more so than usual.

And some people had some very strange behavior.
Not just one person - a couple people.

I guess it just felt like there was something wrong today.

But I have a voice lesson tonight :),
and maybe tomorrow will be better.

Yeah, that's right, Siegel beat Oakland

September 02 2005

20-14, so smoke on your pipe and stick that in.

But...then I was shocked and horrified upon recieiving the most despicable and sickening news ever...in the name of all that is pure and true, no no no no no no no!!!

So tonight was good and bad. Memorable, to be sure.

But it's past my bedtime.

So goodnight.
