♥...blue eyes...♥


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sweet sleep

November 06 2007

well i am looking forward to crashing tonight..i need to sleep!  this past week has been so hectic for me...i've been sick, with like 3 mime presentations, 5 hour mime workshop, geometry project that i had to start AND finish today, piano, church, and everything else in my normal week...AAAAH!  that was me screaming.  but, it's calmed down for a little while.  until friday, then it picks up again.  but i am looking forward to tomorrow.  no tests, no projects to do, no nothing.  i get to go to church and i love church, ya know.  at least it won't be this busy for a while.  i feel like falling over...like this huge load has been lifted off of my stressed shoulders and i can breathe now. but i'm still in GO mode, still hurrying around like a crazy lunatic.  whew breathe.  well...okay.  i'm going to dream of the same people i dream about every night when i sleep, that is, and drink a glass or two of milk and ice...and SLEEP AND SLEEP AND SLEEP.  and then wake up and go to school.  and be calm...and relaxed.