♥...blue eyes...♥


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November 02 2007

well, i decided to use Kaelynn's idea and write a seven day journal thing.  this is my first thought; i thought i would share it with you.




I was thinking one day about things that are really meaningful and awesome that are taken for granted.  Like faith, love, life, and simply happiness.  But one thing that I noticed that not many people would really much care to think about was the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  You know, that pledge means so much!  We are free!  Do you know what that flag stands for or what it really means?  Do you understand that lives are being lost every day in an effort to uphold the meaning of everything the flag stands for?  People every day shrug at the pledge and say it in schools as a routine.  It is one of the only references to God left in our schools and one of the only symbols of patriotism.  It really makes you wonder...why do people do that?  They say that they are happy to be in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and then...they can't even appreciate what the pledge really means.  We ARE one nation and that flag represents that.  We are one nation UNDER GOD.  The flag stands for that, too.  WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!  The flag means that, as well.  It's an everyday symbol of unity, as well as patriotism and gratitude.  How amazing is it, that our nation has come so far?  It's absolutely amazing.  This has made me totally look at saying the pledge from a WAY different point of view.  Now, when I say the pledge, I say a prayer as well for all the people (men and women alike) over seas and fighting for this country that doesn't fight for them.  I am ashamed that people don't actually get it.  This is a free country, we are a free people, but freedom isn't free.

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America.  And, to the republic, for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


November 02 2007
i totally agree. it was actually thinking the same thing today when Kelsey said she needed to finish her hw and was busy during the pledge. uggh.

Kaelynn Malugin

November 02 2007
I hate to say this, but I don't like the pledge. It affends alot of people, and we have a bunch of crooks in office. But I'm glad you used my Idea! thanks hun.

♥...blue eyes...♥

November 03 2007
This is what I think about being 'offensive'....OFFEND THEM! You don't stop ministering because it offends people. heck, if we worried about offending people all the time, we wouldn't get any where with ministry or anything! And about the crooks in office, i do agree...but i have something to tell you about that. it might offend you and A LOT OF OTHER PEOPLE...but it's what i believe is supposed to really happen.

Kaelynn Malugin

November 03 2007
alright that's your opinion. great retaliation.

At the Crossroads of Life

November 03 2007
I'm with Carmen on this one; Our whole government was built UNDER GOD... our constitutions, our laws, and our ways of life were created with the influence of God... There is always something that is going to offend somebody. BUT, in our country, people still have the freedom and the right to their moral beliefs. I will say that sometimes, our systems of government do push their limits on how much religion they take into account of people...