♥...blue eyes...♥


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July 02 2007

hey you fun children! 

"Don't try and rush love...give it time and it will grow into exactly what you planted."  CARMEN


So I was at neely's lastnight and we watched Titanic.  I had forgotten how sweet a love story that was.  It was so hard to remember that it was just a story because it was so REAL.  I cried even though I told myself I wouldn't. 

"IF YOU JUMP, I JUMP" Jack to Rose...aww.

There was one more line that was in the movie a couple times and these both just stood out to me.  I thought they were super cute. 

"Never let go..." jack to rose/rose to jack

Well this is pretty pointless but i just wanted to write about it.  oh and i went to a pool party and i actually played kickball!!!  omg.  oh and for all you people who know how pale i am...i went swimming today and i got a tan!!!  just barely but it's there!!!!!!!!!!!!  AAAAAAH!...okay well i'm gonna work on it.  i WILL be darker than what I am now because you can see through me.  tehe. 


"He'd never tell you, but he can play guitar...I think he can see through everything but my heart.  First thought when I wake up is "My God he's beautiful" so I put on my makeup and pray for a miracle.  Yes, I could tell you his favorite color's green.  He loves to argue, oh and it kills me.  His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes...if you asked me if I love him...I'd lie."

Kaelynn Malugin

July 02 2007
hmmm. I love it!


July 02 2007
good! I'm glad you finally getting tan! You should be as tan as me!!! : P