Electric Swimming...

August 07 2005
So, friday night, after I helped my friend Jay install surround sound on his new house, I went to Sean's house with Zack. We decided to go swimming in their neighborhood pool even though it was beginnning to storm. So we're swimming and its like 10:30 at night so we can see the lightning really well. It was amazing. It was so long and really bright and almost got us a coupla times. Then the next day I forced by Haylie to watch Moulin Rouge which I didn't understand at all. It was way too hard to follow........if only they would talk more than sing.....but anyway. Ya'll be in prayer for this kid named Joshua. He's in my small group and he's ten years old. Last night he got in a fourwheeler accident and broke his femur. He's ok now, but pray for a quick recovery. Ok, here's a question:

Whats the worst accident you've ever been in?

Lemme hear some good answers. Later.

Jonathan - Master of the Vibe

Rachel Tenpenny

August 07 2005
Hmm worst accident ever for me... I had a car accident once (well, only 1 that i really count anyways) so I guess that'd be the worst. lol so anyways, as far as how i've been.. i've been alright. Getting ready to move out for college (yay)! I've been working a little this summer, but not very much, but thats fine by me (except for the not having money thing) because this is probably my only & last summer of having a life. I know that sounds extreme..but.. it's true lol. And this is really random but what was that spanish phrase you taught me... because i cant remember it, but I really wish I could!! Have a great day, and try not to get struck by lightning. :) -rachel

Jonathan Theriot

August 07 2005
I don't remember what I taught you. Was it clean?

Rachel Tenpenny

August 07 2005
well, you said it was something you learned on a construction site, so, im assuming it was not very clean :) so i understand if you dont want to say it again lol.

Jonathan Theriot

August 08 2005
It coulda been anything. I think I taught you some cuss words.


August 08 2005
my dog attacked my face once.