Ya know . . . .

September 20 2006
I think that when it comes to God, we like to forget that sovereignty means absolute authority and control.

I think that is an uncomfortable thought. Not only does that mean that God DOES let bad things happen (they COULDNT happen, in fact, without His allowing them to), it really does make a lot of other issues a lot weirder, especially the question of the doctrine of election, better known as predestination.

In a discussion on predestination, a question occurred to me. If election isnt true, if God doesnt already know precisely who will or wont be saved (which, Him knowing that means that it MUST happen, which could be seen as choosing), if that isnt in His hands, then God is NOT all-powerful and NOT all-knowing. We know that God is both of those things, right? I'm not saying that I'm absolutely right, but the logic is painfully and irritatingly obvious.

So what about free will? Simple answer is that I dont know. According to Psalms, every step of our life was written out by God before our birth. That means He knows every sin, every joy, every mistake, every single thing that we will do before we even think a coherent thought. Once He knows something, that is the way it is. There are no "what if" games with what God knows, no room for Him "knowing where each of our choices could lead." To be all-knowing, He MUST know every answer already. By Him knowing it, it MUST happen that way. That means that though we have free will, we have no choice at all and we dont even realize it.

As frustrating and ego bruising as that is, I find that I dont really care that much. More than He cares for us, Yhwh desires His own glory. If it is in His plan that He is glorified by my one path, then so be it.

Darned peculiar thought process. I'm reasonably certain I intended to be in bed almost an hour ago.

Bethany Bratcher

September 22 2006
I think there is a difference in Him knowing EVERYTHING that will happen in our lives and Him predestining it to happen that way...just because He knows does not mean He causes it to be that way. I think that it is possible that before time began God knew that He was going to create humans, give them free will so that they would choose to love Him(what is real love if it is forced?) , and knew every decision each human would make, including if they would accept Him as their Lord. I think this does not mean that he choose(predestined) for it to be that way, He just could look down the corridors of time and see everything that would happen from creation to eternity. Does this take power away from Him? Absolutely not, because if He wanted to he could change anything at any moment... Those are just my thoughts on the subject and I have thought a lot about it....

Bethany Bratcher

October 12 2006
In response to your comment, I think that there are verses that support both sides. When I first started studying predestination I thought the same as you, that the Bible screamed it, but I think that was partly due to the fact that I had never considered that as an option before (being raised in a Baptist church usually does not lend you to that view point) It's kind of like when you are shopping for something in particular and spending a lot of time researching the best option. Say you are buying a watch. After many hours online looking at watches, when you go out to school, church, the mall, etc. your eyes automatically notice everyone's watch around you. But after awhile you stop noticing everyone's watches. I have a Bible that is marked up with verses to support both sides and after years of marking I see so many verses that support both sides that predestination no longer screams at me. Unfortunately, I do not have it with me here. I will get it the next time I am at my parents' house. I am not trying to get you to believe one way or the other, just sharing my views... :)


October 16 2006
About my post, I really hadn't gotten to that quite yet. I see that as more of a semi-reprieve from hell. We also see in Psalms that David says if he makes his bed in hell, God is still there. So I believe God has just blinded them to His presence, regardless of their proximity to Him.


October 19 2006
It's called PR for a guy who isn't a criminal!


October 20 2006
Well, I really don't feel like debating this, but let me make my points and then we'll close this down because obviously no one's going to change their mind because it's useless. First off, I know that just because Ford's family memebers were criminals, it doesn't mean that he is. However, I think it gives him more inclination to be one, especially considering he grew up with that. He may think it's perfectly alright. I don't know the guy personally, so I can't say that, but it sure does give me a bad vibe. Now for your other point about Ford's ideas. I don't care how good he sells them. There are people out there that could probably sell fur coats to a polar bear, but that sure as heck doesn't say anything about their character nor about the quality of the product, or in this case, the political idea. I have been reading the Corker notes on Facebook and he has some great ideas, especially about improving education. I know Corker isn't the best choice in the world, but I definitely, for the reasons I have already stated and more I could probably think of later, is definitely a better choice than the alternative. I mean really, Corker doesn't even seem ultra conservative or anything, but Ford seems very liberal to me. But anyhow, the whole point of me even mentioning the whole thing were for those who were indecisive, not to stir a debate, so as I said, I think I'll leave it at that.

Anna Miller

October 21 2006
Mention anything about a politician and it stirs a debate.