Just trying to sort

September 23 2005
For some reason I am stressed out. I can't really figure out why, I know what I am not stressed out about the following.
1.School..no work, no nothing
2.Running, I am loving it right now
3.My family seems to be going ok
4. Friends are all ok.
Perhaps there is something else missing. Perhaps it is b/c I haven't sat down and been religious for awhile. I don't know if it is even that. I feel so blessed with everything, right now doesn't seem to be the time that God is trying to spite me.
Perhaps it is thinking about college, but really I don't have to decide about that for awhile. I know I can get in where I want to.
Perhaps, it is what someone told me. Perhaps, I don't need to be so self relient, but it has always worked. Thier words were "you need a boyfriend" but does anybody really need someone else to happy.
Perhaps, I am just worrying about absoloute nothing, and I have truly lost it..