What if. . . ?

July 18 2005
. . . the two most spiritually and emotionally damaging words ever .

I'm done. Seriously. It's been a looooooong ride-- much longer than it should have taken. I'd almost say it didn't get me anywhere, but I know God has His reasons.

I have an awesome college schedule, I have a job, and God is doing things in my life beyond what I could imagine. What else could I possibly ask for?

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." Isaiah 43:18

Ashley Orman

July 18 2005
wow, no fair, i wish i had the college schedule i want and a job. man u do have it well off! thanks for the remark, means a lot!

the brian king kenobi

July 18 2005
anna miller, you are my hero.


July 18 2005
lol yeah boys are blah :) but yes I so understand what you mean, I think I need to stop asking myself "what if" also.


July 18 2005
Yeah... true...


July 18 2005


July 18 2005
i hate "what if"...haha i learned from a book series i read to not dwell in the land of "if only"


July 18 2005
thats great to hear about the job, and college schedule. Hope things only continue to get better.


July 19 2005
i dont like "what if" either. i hope things are okay though. but im glad that everything else is working out. hopefully ill get a good college schedule too!