Workin' Woman. . .

July 14 2005
Yeah. . . so I have a job. I actually interviewed for it two weeks ago, and they called last week telling me I'd be coming in sometime this week. I started yesterday, and I'm already pretty much used to it. I work at Taevan's Lube Center. . . that's right folks, Anna Miller works at an oil changing place. Though, the only things I do to cars are put air in the tires-- "Using a gauge?" "Yeah."-- ((Dad found this EXTREMELY amusing-- hm, I wonder why, lol)), washing windows, and vacuuming the floorboards. I'm also working with Shannon and Matt, so that's exciting, lol.

Um-- this morning was fun. I went to Cracker Barrel and Starbucks with Brian, Cameron, Aimee, Christina, and Lauren before going in at 11:00. Good food, mmm.

the brian king kenobi

July 14 2005
silly anna.


July 14 2005
yes, very fun...


July 15 2005
is that profile picture one you took? cause if it is, it's amazing.


July 15 2005
is this the job you were telling me about that you were hoping to get? If so, that's awesome :) well, I hope you have a great day Anna Miller! :)

Becky A.

July 15 2005
Sounds like your work is very exciting. Cracker Barrel sounds like it was fun!


July 16 2005
aw yay congrats on the job!! i love you girl!