Old Mr Su go fishing
December 04 2006
Tell love to the girl from south of China
December 04 2006
December 04 2006
December 03 2006
December 03 2006
Why does everything have to be so complicated and so confusing at the same time?
December 03 2006
stuff is pretty crazy right now
i got accepted into mississippi state university
and....i got a scholarship from there. yay!
so thats exciting.
and then theres senior year which is like a roller coaster.
craaazy. haha
December 03 2006
It's really a funny quirk of human nature that we allow little, insignificant events to control our emotions and completely make or break our day.
Make it, in my case.
: ]
papers and finals
December 03 2006
i want to scream and break something.
and possibly throw in a long string of obscenities.
or just jump from my window.
if i had a roommate, i would totally kill him for the free 4.0 right about now . . .
i think you should give me a hug.
Monday's Stink ....
December 03 2006
That's all. Nobody seems to read this anyway.
odd weekend for football
December 03 2006
Smyrna won the state championship.
And the Titans beat the Colts by kicking a 60 yard field goal.
Miso Miso Miso Soup
December 03 2006
I love the stuff.
Okay, so what does everybody want for Christmas?
The Lion King
December 03 2006
Anyway, I enjoyed myself, and I want to say that, if you ever get a chance to see it, SEE IT! Seriously...I've never recommended stage performance as strongly as this one.
pred game
December 03 2006
December 03 2006
very proud of my OHS kids at midstate today
i didnt make it
o well
much love
ok so i lost the war buuutttt...............
December 02 2006
December 02 2006
So yeah.
For the rest of the results, check out www.mtsboa.org and look for Oakland people.
December 02 2006
I guess I'll shoot for a happy medium.
I've noticed lately how we never want to tell people how we're really doing. How many days does this happen to you?
Friend: Hey! How are you?
You: I'm good! How about you?
Friend: I'm doing well! Well, I'll see you later!
You: See ya!
You think for a moment as you walk away, and then realize... "Who am I kidding? I'm not ok."
But really, how else are we supposed to approach these greetings in passing? I mean, honestly, what would you do if you walked by someone at school or church or work and, when you asked how they were doing, they turn said, "Pretty lousy"? We're not very honest with our feelings.
I don't think we're neccessarily supposed to share everything on our hearts and minds though. But we should at least not be afraid of what people would think if they knew we weren't really feeling all that ok. It's not like everyone else hasn't been not ok from time to time. We all have our low moments. But it seems to me that we all put on this front that we have it all together... that we're not just ok but that life is great and wonderful.
Anyhow, I say all that to tell you that my life is not all happy and rosey right now, but it's also not so horrible either. On Wednesday night I encountered God in a way that was long overdue and it was healing. I have a lot going on at school now which is never fun, but I'm trusting God to get me through it all. Last night I had these great plans that didn't go exactly as well as I hoped, but there was no real great loss in the scheme of things. As it has been for the past few years lately, I'm learning a lot these days.
Anyhow, in other news, I went and saw an opthomologist about my eye. He asked me questions and looked at from various angles but to no avail, he sees no problem. So, I guess that's good news, but I would still like to have the secret formula to make my slightly swollen eyelid go away. Whatever. I'm wearing contacts again and that makes me happy.
December 02 2006
and i am practicing my purpose once again...
December 02 2006
so wow. long time no post...
lot's has happened since November 18th. i made 3rd chair All-State in 2nd Alto (wooooot!), and all the glory goes to God for that one (along with everything else i've ever been able to do that is good), because He's the one who enabled me to do it, and i thank Him so much!!!! DBS Initiation was Monday night, and was great, although it took way too long. congrats to all you new members!!!
i started going to my small groups, and de-ang, it's amazing...i love my small group like a fat kid love cake. i also looooooove my Sunday School class...ms. rhonda and ms. wendy are just possibly the coolest women in the world ( after my mom and Ms. Donna...)
formal is coming up soon, and hopefully the person i asked will be able to go with me...cause it would be extra sad if he didn't...
school is most definitely kicking my bum...but God has been very merciful in helping my teachers to chill out and helping me to understand most of my work...except chemistry...thank goodness i don't want to be a doctor anymore...gahlee...
i went on a college visit to University of Memphis and Rhodes College on Thursday. U of M was okay...but Rhodes was a-mazing. i wish i could post the pix i took....omgosh...i would love to go there...problem is, it costs $36,000 a year...so no Rhodes for Cari....oh well. i'll be content with wherever God sticks me.
so what have i been learning lately? God has really be teaching me about having freedom in Him...how we are no longer slaves to sin, but slaves to righteousness...and that's not to say that we should try to be perfect or focus on works, because being perfect is impossible and works don't save....but just realizing that we can say no to Satan, and resist temptation. and yes, i fail on a regular basis. especially where my mouth is concerned. but it's so cool to see how God can change my heart when i am willing and i ask Him to. also, i started reading the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge, and it is awesome. i just feel so much more confident, but not in that, i don't need a man to complete me because i'm a modern amazon-woman (hear me roar)...i just mean that, i feel like i can wait for exactly the right person to come along, and in the mean time, i don't have to worry about it. i can totally focus my energies on God because that's where He wants them to be. cool beans.
everybody needs to come to my mom's concert tomorrow night, Sunday, December 3rd, 2006 @ 6:00 PM @ Belle Aire Baptist's sanctuary. i'll be singing in it as well! woot!
also....DECEMBER 7TH IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!! and i'm not even doing anything...bah-humbug....hah...kidding. i'm just layin low this year...like every year. ha. well, i gotta go ya'll. much love---Cari
The times, they be a-changin
December 02 2006
December 02 2006
Hey y'all GAH I am so bored I havnt been to church in a LONG time and I miss it O soo much!!its SAD!!well leave messages and comments!!I went to see Christmas lights with Kyle last night I had SOO much fun!!
<3 ya
December 02 2006
Man I have been so sick. When I left school I went to bed at 1 and woke up at 5 then I ate and went back to bed at 7 now here I am still caughing and wishing that I was not sick.
Life Hanging by a Thread
December 02 2006
Friday did not go as planned. At about 10am a panicked Indonesian employee came into my office. We had an intruder in the building, in the office area. The guy (an American) was freaking out and needed to talk to another American. I was the selected one. A thousand thoughts raced through my mind .... safety, security, life, death. No amount of training really prepares you for these kinds of events.
Due to the sensitivity of the situation, I can't go into a lot of details. Let me just say that "Bob" (not his real name) was in a stake of panic / schizophrenia. Bob was convinced somebody was trying to kill him and had gone absolutely ballistic. After hours of talking to him, I learned quite a bit about Bob. Eventually we were able to calm him down enough to get him into a car and delivered to a counsellor at the US Embassy.
There were many false starts with Bob ... and it took about 5 attempts to get him to the car where we had three security officers (our company's) escorted him. I did not go to the US Embassy but I understand that he tried grabbing the wheel of the car and almost caused a wreck. Thankfully, thanks to God, we were able to get him safely delivered and nobody in our office got hurt. Bob left our premises at 2pm.
At one point Bob asked me if I could guarantee his safety for the trip to the Embassy. I told him I could not. I told him that I was only a man ... but God could protect him.
Bob's story is a sad story. A story about a young teenage boy that made bad decisions in his life - cleaned up his life for 9 years - then started making bad decisions again. He is probably in his early 30s now. His life is ruined. He cannot stay in Indonesia ... and chances are he will face some jail time if the Embassy helps him back to the US.
I do not know what Bob is doing today. I don't know if he is ok ... dead ... alive ... in Indonesia ... or on his way back to the US. I gave him my business card with an email addy on it. Maybe someday I will learn.
For those of you reading this ... pray for "Bob". And, when you do ... also ask God to give you strength to make good decisions every day ... and don't forget to thank God for the things He has done for you. And one last thing, ask God to help me ... I'm still pretty shaken up about the situation. I don't know if Bob had a weapon on him or not ... but if he did ... I would have been the closest person. Thank God nobody was hurt in our office.
Valentine's Day
December 02 2006
So someone should be shot...
December 02 2006
December 01 2006
first pep band thinggy.
hung out with ms wick and we had a wonderful time talking about loads of things
tomorrow is MID-STATE!!!!!!
im pumped and oh so ready
here to all you band kids who have auditions tomorrow
♥ my best goes out to you ♥
Pondering in the afternoon: Take Ni
December 01 2006
Iono lately I have been feeling like I need something to take care of. To have something to depend on me. And no don’t think about me getting a pet. This feeling is bigger than taking care of a cat (that’s what I have). For a while I have thinking about a baby. I know I’m crazy for wanting on so young. But I’m thinking about me in the long run. I’m pretty close to ugly. I just don’t consider myself attractive due to the experiences I have with men/ boys.
I attract users. Maybe I am too trusting. Then I think I should have never left Super F. At first he made me feel like I was one of the skinny girls. I guess at things got comfortable he started to change. Then I decided it was time to leave (which my mother said was a bad decision and I semi agree). Then I met Osita (ß not the real name . I gave him that cuz he acts like a pussy sometimes). I think I took to him because I had Super F for so long and I don’t like sleeping alone L . Osita in a way was giving me all the things that I was getting from Super F. Osita is how Super F was in the beginning x2. Then the pussy was getting to me so I had to cut off Osita. I met Kricket (this boy looks like he‘s about 12 but he’s 21 and ripped as hell -drools- ). I don’t think I should even count him cuz we just fucked around.
_____________________***will ***finish***later***_______________________
Peace and heart
<3 Keele
KeeleDate: 11-28-06 Time: 1:51 pm
Pondering late nite: Take Uno
December 01 2006
I have another troubling** complex.. Men.. (which are really boys in grownup bodies). I always wonder why they like toying with you. Emotionally. Physically (that sometimes can be fun hehehe 9:) ). Mentally.
I just don’t understand why people like to mess with you on that level. Especially when they know that you are a trusting person and they just fuck with you until you want to quit. Until you cant take it anymore and want to bust the fuck out (in a relationship I have never been to that extreme but with people sometimes I wish crime was legal for 5 minutes).
Sometimes I also consider that it is my fault as well. Because I like to mess back and I also provoke some shit that happened like 3 months ago just to see the other mad. I don’t know why I like to make people annoyed…. Ohhh yeh I do it started with “The Man†a.k.a. “Super Fâ€. He would get so cute when he was mad/ annoyed. It made me purr. He was sexy when he was mad…. Oooh and when we’d fight… then came the make up sex =^__^= MEEEOWW!!
Okok I think now we have found the root of the problem: ME. Now I don’t even know why I started this rant..
Peace and heart.
*_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^ *_^
Men are still little boys!!!
Date: 11-26-06 Time: 8:06 pm
December 01 2006
I just don’t understand why people have to be non-listening? Why is it? Do they figure that they know everything that there is to know about certain things? Shit I don’t think so. See I have a friend that has been a great friend to me ever since we have been amigas (which has been a while but that’s a different story). All I’m trying to do is be a good friend and she isn’t letting me. Ok I think it would be better if I explain the situation just a little bit…. Ok long story short…
She got pregnant by a nameless man (we will dub him “Sperm Donorâ€). They decided with the council of her mother (I think I‘m not to sure about that part) to get married for the sake of the unborn babe. Then they are together for 2 year with the ups and downs of a married couple. Duuur-dur-duur! All is happy go lucky… whoopee whoopee. I know this chick for about (guesstamation here) 7 months and she starts talk about how Sperm Donor is starting to change… not acting the way that he used to-- all sweet then just to blah (like I mentioned before my then boyfriend was acting the same way). Don’t you hate it when people change for the bad? Anywho she was feeling distant from him… I think that brings us up to date.
Lol! That was a “long story shortâ€. I got a little carried away. q---^__^---p Hug to make up for it?
Well they were arguing a lot about money… well mostly how she was spending “his†money. à Iono what that’s got to do with anything.
Well she left him cuz she told him her true feelings. I thought he was going to flip out but she said he didn’t (I heart her like a sister and if he ever EVER raises a hand to her I will WILL cut his dick off and feed it to him between 2 slices of rye bread). She said that he started beating himself then started talking crazy to her (i.e. “when I first knew that you were pregnant I was going to leave youâ€). I was like: >:O!! Then I was like: >=| grrrrrrr!! But what can you do? She was doing bueno for herself… got another job and was talking to another man. Life was going good… until people started to get in her head. Once again long story short…
She’s with a man she don’t love to make the “right†decision for the son. But I tried to tell her that it isn’t in the long run. Plus Sperm Donor thinks he has control over her because she can back to him. And I can sense something is going to happen my feels are usually (96%) not wrong especially when it comes to something bad. I DONT want anything to happen to her or the boy. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life in a 10 x 5 cell counting days till evaluation day. But if I have to I will. That motherfucker won’t see another day. Oh shit my blood pressure is up. I need to calm down.
Shit people need to listen to advice… Yes yes yes I know that there is a lot of bad advice but most of its good. But what’s the point of making a relationship work when you aren’t happy and there only a one sided love?
Shit people need to listen to advice… Yes yes yes I know that there is a lot of bad advice but most of its good. But what’s the point of making a relationship work when you aren’t happy and there only a one sided love?
Well enough of this… I will just sit back and watch this unfold. And when what I have predicted happens I will stand by as “the good friendâ€.
Peace up A-town down (even though I‘m not from there or been there. I like to say that).
<3 Keele
KeeleDate: 11-26-06 Time: 1:14 am
December 01 2006
if it seems like i'm posting a lot of entries this is why:
i dont have the net at my apt so i write my thoughts in word. then when i get time i go to moms and post them. so i will write the actual date and time i finished them.
ok ciao.
<3 keele
December 01 2006
December 01 2006
1. why would you call your girlfriend and then not talk to her?
2. why would you not call your girlfriend to tell her you are/aren't going to see her today? instead you just leave her to wonder and hope that you're coming over.
GAH DAMNIT. I get pissed at him too easily.
December 01 2006
1. Who kissed you on new years?
ginger? ok so maybe she bit me....
2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?
3. Does it snow where you live?
yep..and it fun!
4. Do you like hot chocolate?
luke warm chocolate.....yes.
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
no but i went with chorus!! in may
1. Who was your Valentine?
2. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?
3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
not really
1. Are you Irish?
a little bit
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
generally no....
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006?
uh? class?
4. Did you get drunk?
5. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
1. Do you like the rain?
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
dont remember
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
probably...well...not tons....cuz the easter bunny knows i dont eat a lot of candy
4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
5. Do you love the month of April?
why not?
1. What is your favorite flower?
raindrops on roses......and now i wanna sing....
2. Do you like the spring?
other than the sinus infection.....yes
3. Finish the phrase "April showers":
brings may flowers!!!!
4. What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring?
1. What year did/will you graduate from highschool?
2. Did you do anything fun during this month?
1. What did you do on the Fourth of July?
3 days til disney world!!!!
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?
3. Do you blast the A/C all day?
uh..........i dont know
1. Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
um......ice cream?
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '06?
3. Did you have a sunburn?
4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
1. Did you attend school/college in '06?
2. Who is your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Cox!!!!!!!
3. Do you like fall better then summer?
no....fall involves a sinus infection
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
the singer!!
2. What is your favorite candy?
3.What did you dress up as this year?
minnie mouse
1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
2. Do you love stuffing?
not really
3. What are you thankful for?
friends, family, music, and a bunch of other stuff
1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
2. What is December 1st, 2006?
3. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
4. Get anything special last year?
VCR to tape 24!
5. What do you want this year?
tower of terror!
6. Do you like cold weather?
yup...cuz you go skating!!!
December 01 2006
Yeah I was all excited about going camping and backpacking this weekend and I woke up sick this morning...UGH.
thank you editorial staff
December 01 2006
finally, i've come to realize, actually, i've realized this a while back. but i've realized just how cool, (but sometimes uncool) the editorial staff for the school newspaper can be. today the editorial collumn talked about how much fergi sucks, and how the student goverment doesnt have any common sense. earlier this week they talked about how ipods are and have been and will be the pit fall of humanity. they have actually written many articles on this. and some of my friends know that i've actually been preaching that for a while my self. haha.
anyways, i've gotta go study for my spanish oral interview. should be interesting. but i have about...4 to 5 hours to study for it. oh ya, and my roommate has the flu. we think. so that sucks. i hope i dont get sick.
You Fail Me Because I Fail Myself
December 01 2006
Who is the maker of empty promises,
And whose love is that of fair condition?
I'm betting your premonition's correct,
For I will fail you in apathetic terms
With regards from hell to your pompous
Piety to think you could help me.
I can barely help myself.
Black EYE
December 01 2006
Number 5
December 01 2006
My director, Jocelyn, came backstage when it was over and jumped up and down almost squealing, she was so happy. She kept encouraging us beforehand, but I think part of it was her being nervous. It is over, but it was a great experience. ::sigh:: So happy...
And so much less sick!
As I was changing out of my costume (we still had to strike and set for the other three plays that night), I was praising God like mad. Beforehand, I was praying for strength in a British accent. I am not sure if I prayed as a Brit after or not. Oh well...
Good times!
12 months
December 01 2006
1. Who kissed you on new years?
I'll never tell
2. Did you have a new year's resolution this year?
3. Does it snow where you live?
Mostly it just rains here... a few flurries... and hail... it likes to hail
4. Do you like hot chocolate?
5. Have you ever been to Times Square to watch the ball drop?
- nope
1. Who was your Valentine?
Didn't really have one
2. When you were little, did you buy valentines for your whole class?
heck yeah
3. Do you care if the groundhog sees its shadow or not?
1. Are you Irish?
a little... kiss me anyway?
2. Do you wear green on St. Patty's Day?
Yep ;)
3. What did you do for St. Patty's Day in 2006?
4. Did you get drunk?
5. Are you happy when winter is pretty much over?
1. Do you like the rain?
Only when I can play in it.
2. Did you play an April fool's joke on anyone this year?
yeh... good times!
3. Do you get tons of candy on Easter?
YES! The Easter Bunny still visits my house! haha
4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
5. Do you love the month of April?
SURE! haha
1. What is your favorite flower?
Gerber daisies
2. Do you like the spring?
Pretty flowerrs blooming, of COURSE!
3. Finish the phrase "April showers":
brings may flowers!!!!
4. What is the first color you think of when you think of Spring?
1. What year did/will you graduate from highschool?
2. Did you do anything fun during this month?
the beach!
1. What did you do on the Fourth of July?
er.... worked....eventually visited brent to see the fireworks extravaganza
2. Did you go on any vacations during this month?
3. Do you blast the A/C all day?
In my house only my father touches the temperature controls
1. Did you do anything special at the end of your summer?
er....no...well slt retreat?
2. What was your favorite summer memory of '06?
down at the farm playing in the creek w/ my boy
3. Did you have a sunburn?
4. Do you go to the beach a lot?
No time this summer...
1. Did you attend school/college in '06?
2. Who is your favorite teacher?
3. Do you like fall better then summer?
Depends on my mood
1. What was your favorite Halloween costume?
me as a pirate!!!(hahaha)
2. What is your favorite candy?
the candy pumpkins.
3.What did you dress up as this year?
Didn't... I had class that night. :(
1. Whose house do you go to for Thanksgiving?
somewhere in east tn
2. Do you love stuffing?
3. What are you thankful for?
Family, Friends, LIFE
1. Do you celebrate Christmas?
2. What is December 1st, 2006?
3. Have you ever been kissed under mistletoe?
4. Get anything special last year?
5. What do you want this year?
my family
6. Do you like cold weather?
Quick mock trial update
November 30 2006
Teams set up, roles assigned. I'm unhappy, but I'll survive.
Anyway I worked really hard all semester, relearning rules and writing stuff out, and I get taken off the attorney table and put as a witness. Not that there is anything wrong with being a witness just that I hate it. And I pretty much suck as a witness. I'm now the owner of the bar.
Dani, you are on my team, with DeSab, Kortney, Ryan, Sarah, Logan, and Natalie. They have given you Tony Smith as the witness you shall play.
And tommorrow night, I'm gonna go see Nick fight at the Rec center. A bunch of the mockers are going.Yay Nick!!!!
November 30 2006
November 30 2006
~Author Unknown
j'ai deux amours
November 30 2006
on dit qu'au delà des mers,
là -bas sous le ciel clair,
il existe une cité
au séjour enchanté
et sous les grands arbres noirs,
chaque soir,
vers elle s'en va tout mon espoir.
j'ai deux amours
mon pays et paris . . .
my life just got a whooooole lot better
November 30 2006
I got my ACT scores back.
First try.
34 Englsih. 29 Math. 33 Reading. 26 Science.
This had been worrying me for quite some time.
I cried a little when I read it.
mm hm
November 30 2006
where i dont have to worry much
its already hard enough
to sing a song about this
some people try the white keys
but the thinkin' hurts my head
so i move back here instead
it comes easier
you know why
you're the one whos on the greivin' end
and just wave goodbye
and wonder if you'll ever breathe again
thats why
i play on the black keys
when it already takes my best
to pretend that this big mess
isn't happenin'
i play on the black keys
so i can close my eyes
try to picture you beside me
singin harmonies
and you know why
one day i will try and explain it all
and if you dont mind
id like some time to try and play it all
if i ever thought it would come to this
the needin' and the bleedin'
then i woulda tried to say it better better
if i ever thought i cherished you
and i mean it yeah i mean it
now i still think youre here
you're pullin in you're pullin in
but you wouldn't know why
because you're the one the one whos on the leavin' end
then you wave goodbye
when you saw me cry would you believe me then
thats why...i...i...i...
and i...i...i...
i play on the black keys...yeah
November 30 2006
and i thought i would share a lesson that i have learned.
Taking something for what it is, doesn't neccessarily make you a better person. You want more, and you know it, but you settle. Oh this one is ok... not as nice as the one i really want , but hey its much less expensive. Or it involves less risk. Well it isn't worth it. I've learned that i will never settle for anything ever again. I've never been able to lie to myself. But i am fully capable of lieing to another person, with absolutely close to zero remorse at all. I took life as it was. Took it with a "what the hell... what could i possibley lose from this?".. Well i lost a lot. I lost 6 whole months of my young life. Nothing too catastrophic i must admit, but still time is of the essence.
I dont regret it. I just know that if the situation was to arise again, i would not grab for it.
over time, i realized what i was missing. But the truth is that familiarity is comfortable and safe, and its a hard thing to abandon. However there comes a timme when reality wakes you up to the dull thud of what could be more. See if i sat in this steady flow of life i would never learn anything. I would never grow emotionally or intellectually. Familiarity is a curse and i damn it to hell.. It takes the best of who we are and pushes it back into a daily routine and life outlook. The adventure is out there but it will ppass us by if we are not ready in stance looking for it. It may take years to recognize. but it is there and i will find it.
I beg you all. Live for yourselves. because in the end that is all you will have left. There may come a time when everything else falls away, but you will still be there. You are alive and because you are you must honor that. Be selfish. be horribley selfish. So what if you hurt some one else's feelings. Their feelings are not worth sacrifices to your Self. of course i dont want you to purposely hurt some one else. But when it comes down to you or them you sure as hell better choose yourself.
I'd never die for anyone but me.
The last frontier is only
the stranger in the mirror that i see.
November 30 2006
November 30 2006
So I'm really excited but yeah other than that my life is kinda going no where and full of non-existent events...but thats okay....because I know GOD has a reason for everything and everything has a purpose.
UN Day
November 30 2006
Last night we went to Jakarta International School (JIS) to watch the high school celebration of UN Day. Basically, it was a 1 hour production of music, song, and dance to (obviously) celebrate UN Day.
Various groups preformed pieces that were typical to their home countries ... and wore clothing accordingly. I don't remember all the pieces ... but I recall pieces from: India, Korea, China, Japan, Indonesia, Iceland, USA, France, and Singapore. The HS choir did a song associated with "fences" and Chely was part of that. She did very well once again.
Well, today is Friday ... TGIF !!! I have a couple of meetings today and some very important disaster response documentation to continue working on ... so I certainly won't be bored. But, I am really looking forward to this weekend ... especially having lunch at the Four Seasons ... hope they have an adequate quantity of boiled jumbo shrimp !!!
ciao ciao
I just set library record
November 30 2006
I checked out a book in second period today (it's REALLY good, short but good) and I had it back by the beginning of fifth period. Oh yeah, go me!
I'm looking up my family coat of arms out of boredom and it looks really cool. If I can upload a picture of it, I'll put it in here.
I don't have alot to say today, but tomorrow is Friday so that's a plus!
1st Corinthians 15:26-28
November 30 2006
26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.
27 For he "has put everything under his feet." Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself, who put everything under Christ.
28 When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.
Is this saying that in the End Jesus will give up his place and become simply 100% man and allow God to be sole ruler?
This is just a weird Idea to me as I also think of Jesus as being part of the Trinity forever and nothing ever changing in the order and dominion of heaven.
A quick update
November 30 2006
So the picture has nothing to do with the post today, but it is still awesome. I'm using it as my wallpaper on my computer.
Anyway it's time for a quick update. Finals are coming {Not really a great thing}, Classes are coming to an end{ A better thing}, and Kenny is coming {The most amazing thing ever.} The year in review will come in January, which means prepare for a boring entry that will review a crazy year in my life. I promise a real update soon, maybe not tonigght, but probably tommorrow.
Question 12: Mobile?
November 30 2006
Do you have a mobile phone? If so, would you use a feature that allowed you to upload pictures and video from your phone directly to your PhuseBox?
A Routine Joy
November 30 2006
I think I often forget joy. It’s a simple concept, but one that’s rather important. Seemingly, this comes as quite the surprise in that it’s the very thing that is supposed to set me apart from those who have none. So, as absurd as it may seem, I tend to forget the very thing that identifies me. This is dangerous. When we forget our identity we begin to blend in with something we’re meant to stand out against.
We forget the raw, for-no-reason, unexplainable joy; the kind that produces a smile when no one else is around; the kind that allows one to stand when everything else in their world seems so frail? In all the routine, which is as much of the maturing process as the valley or the mountain, I shouldn’t forget that God is still as amazing and awesome as He was the day He saved me.
When I’m walking to class in the morning when it’s 10 degrees and I’m just wishing I was back in bed: He still captured my heart. (Rom 6)
When I’m sitting bored at work: He still holds the helpless
When I get frustrated in traffic: He still mends the broken, sometimes even me.
When I worry because I don’t know what life will look like 12 months from now: He still commands the lightning. (Job 38)
When I can’t understand my stats teacher because he isn’t from here: I’ll also be hearing that language around the Throne one day, only it won’t be talking about statistics. (Phil 2)
When I’m driving down the road wondering why it gets dark so early: He still painted the sunset.
When I get home so late I can barely make it to my bed: He still calls the stars by name. (Is 40)
When the things in life I can do nothing about still come up from the recesses of the past to hinder me: He has still already won the battle! (Rev 21)
May we not allow God’s kindness, love, and “incredible-ness†to be diminished in our routine.
May we open our eyes and see Him all over it.
May we welcome the day, whatever it holds.
May we stand out.
May we not forget our joy.
King Jesus is still King Jesus, even when I’m just me.
“And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.†Romans 13:11,12
- JV
November 30 2006
Why do the best days have the worst endings?
Staying awake in calculus. Understanding calculus.
Learning to say such fun phrases as "It's my first time." in Russian.
Starting Hamlet in AP English. I like Hamlet.
Reading a good book instead of doing my econ homework.
Getting work done in photography.
Working with my Megan for the second day in a row.
Free pizza from the boss.
Hour long power blackout in the entire mall! Much fun with the Finish Line employees.
Witnessing a grab-and-run shop lifting from Sears.
All in all, a really cool day.
But the end... I'd say it's bad enough to at least balance the good parts.
That's a feeling that sucks.
Christmas Decorating Competition = Amazing!
November 30 2006
So after hours and hours of work we finally pulled it all together to make the best Christmas Hall ever! We all had characters and made our hall interactive for the judging. It was SO fun!! The end of the hall I live on was pretty traditional Christmas. We had all the doors wrapped in wrapped paper. Santa's toy shop. Some reindeer and snow. A sleigh. Penguins. A nativity and little kids being read the story of Jesus. And then you got to the lounge......
The home of Ricky Bobby (which I got voted into being) and his wife (Vanessa). We did a short, cleaner version of the scene of his prayer and argument with his wife about how he would pray to Baby Jesus if he wanted....
From there you entered the other half of the hall. Polk County TN Redneck Christmas. A toliet filled w/ice and rootbeer was the first thing you got to see. Jessica cleaned her gun as she told you all about everyone and then you got to walk thru an awful mess of Christmas. And the amazing Christmas tree was at the end.
It was SO fun, and despite all the stress and work I LOVED it. It was nice to take a break from all the work of the week and just really enjoy something.
November 29 2006
The malicious side of me is hoping it happens. The nonmalicious side of me is lying dormant.
*evil-ler chuckle than usual*
sweet sixteen
November 29 2006
mine is today.
and now i can drive, so i'm "free"
but thanks to all who helped me celebrate..
November 29 2006
it's getting
November 29 2006
Okay so I finally am able to post my poem that was chosen.
But first, I will let you read the story I was gonna go with before I decided to do a poem.
The Reject:
"I love you. Is that an okay start? Discovery. What a topic. Will you allow me to speak of the Discovery of my love for you-the discovery of what love is and how love feels?
To a child, love in omniscient. My cousin goes to school every day (he's in preschool, you know) and spreads love everywhere-to his little friends, to his teachers, and even to his enemies (at that age, enemies only last a second, of course. Children know nothing about grudges).
To a person experienced with age, love may not be as artless but is just as pure. As my grandmother observes her children, and her children's children, and even the next generation after that, adoration covers every wrinkle.
But to a person my age, love like a child's or a senior's hides from most. Yet somehow, I found what most miss. When we met, my life revolutionized. Morning dew settling on fresh grass can not compare to how subtlely your presence invaded my heart.
Not even Walt Whitman could explain how true affection feels.
When I think of you, something....happens. Suddenly, I desire to be a better person (although no one complains about my persona). Every stroke of my lead against paper produces a masterpiece.
Okay. So I didn't like that, or at least, I though I could do better. So I began this poem.
The Chosen:
From The Chords
As your fingers curve ever slightly over the strings,
My heart blooms to catch the nectar from your melody
I discover what love feels like all over again
And my affections emerge to spread their fresh wings.
Recollection of this adoration's beginning escapes my mind
One day I just knew it true
Caught in a butterfly net of no encampment, my soul lays bared for your contentment.
I would have it no other way.
Softer and lighter than the descent of morning dew
Your presence invaded my heart.
Abolishing wards, vanquishing safeguards
Like a bluejay you nestled and there remained.
"I love you" dawns from between your lips occasionally,
The potency of the triplet is registered not within you.
In return, "I love you too" is voiced in which my entire spirit lies.
Your expression as pensive as The Thinker himself.
A different chord blends with my soul in the composed atmosphere
As my persona aims for extreme amiability
Aims to harmonize with your angelic lifestyle
Aims to prove my worth and value
The climax of your aria brings the heart essence tumbling from my eyes
I care not of the thoughts spoken on the outside.
All that subsists in the scope is you and me
The performance slows and ultimately concludes
Love- my discovery- renewed and revived
Catapults towards you, eager for your acceptance
Always eager for your acceptance,
Till the end of me
With the instrument-d'amour packed away, you resume your normal life
While the one who uncovered the secret of this limited existence tucks away his tears
Soothes his aching heart
Waiting for the perfect time to expose
How much he loves you."
In truth, I just realized it's not as heart-wrenching as I would want it to be. But I've read it 20 times or more.
What do you think?
I love you, and one day you will know.
The Gong Show
November 29 2006
Yesterday our company had an "employee forum". There was about 300 folks in attendence. The meeting was scheduled to last 3.5 hours (with food/soft beverages on both sides of the event) ... and about 8-10 different speakers. What I really liked about the meeting (aside from it being informative) is that there was a big brass gong ... and if any speaker went over their time limit the gong was ... well ... GONGED !! Only one speaker went over their limit. It was a fun ... but obvious way to let the speaker and the audience know that the speaker had violated the "time contract".
Chely has some type of concert/event at school tonight ... so, I will be rushing from work to the school (1-1.5 hours away) to attend.
Decy continues working on the house ... out of 127 boxes we are probably down to 20 that are still not emptied. However, being empty doesn't necessarily suggest being put away or hung on the walls ....
As for me, I'm doing ok. Very tired this week. Didn't sleep well last weekend with Decy being gone ... and lots of stress at work. My back is still challenging me. But, every day it seems to get a little better ... I'm still curious what I did to it. Maybe it was all that acrobatic sex I did one night ... that I don't remember ... NOT !!!!
Glad tomorrow is Friday. My plan for the weekend is to go out only on Friday night. Spend Saturday running errands / shopping / massage ... then the evening at home playing pool with Decy (and the girls if they want to learn). Sunday, I plan to take the family to the Four Seasons hotel for Sunday brunch. We will probably also bring along Decy's mom as the 1st (Friday) is her birthday. On Friday, Decy and some of the family will take Doortje (Decy's mom) to lunch at a Manadanese restaurant (one of my favorite).
Gotta go ... ciao ciao.
To those who have a myspace or facebook
November 29 2006
Hall Decorating..the job that never ends...
November 29 2006
I ended up decorating until about 4 AM. I had every thought of going to bed at 1:30 but then I got caught up in uprooting a bush, duct taping it back together, decorating it w/fishing lures and cheese scented fake worms and stringing pork rinds among other things. Even after hours of work we still have most of one hallway and the lounge left to do. I got up around 8 and finished my english paper, went to class for 10 mins to turn it in and now I'm back at here. In a few minutes I get the lovely job of going to Hobby Lobby to argue w/someone about how they didn't give us a bag of stuff we paid for, and then I get to pick up final things we forgot from Big Lots. Once I get back here more decorating until Andrea gets out of class so we can head off to the junk yard. These are the fun things I get to do since I don't have classes....I really just wanna go back to bed!
Catch that Cow.
November 29 2006
photo from austincaresnot
November 29 2006
it's my birthday.
November 29 2006
i'm excited.
Insane day
November 29 2006
Today has been a super crazy day. I went to classes. Then went and got Jackie and we went to Big Lots, Dollar Tree, Walmart, and Hobby Lobby. Pretty sure we bought everything from UGLY shiny plaid fabric to fishing lures to christmas lights to stuffed creature poinsetta things. And then we get back to the dorm to find that Andrea had gone and bought the one thing we wanted most, a toliet. Then dinner and then the Christmas Hall decorating started. Our hall is doing one end Traditonal Christmas, our lounge as Ricky Bobby's house, and then after the curve in the hall Redneck Christmas. We did that from about 7:30 to 1:00 and then just as everyone was ready to go take a shower and go to bed...Surprise! The water stops working completely. So about 15 us walk across campus to Nora Chambers so we can brush our teeth and then walk back. We've now given up on decorating and I'm attempting to finish a poetry analysis paper. Tomorrow should be fun. Andrea and I are goin to the junkyard to find toliet seats and hood ornaments. And I have no classes. Ok, well now apparently I'm off to help steal campus property...I mean, what? we're simply going to get a bush and gravel and fake poinsettas and wreath from Jessica's car!
November 29 2006
So, using the advice to check out this Skillet album, I downloaded it to preview. You guys...why? What about this album is so great? It's like pro tools extravaganza to cover up banal songwriting....argh...I'm exasperated...
So I'm asking myself
November 29 2006
Who do I talk to?
What do I do?
So far this semester, I'm down 5 friends from Tech, 8 or 9 from high school, I've got a room that smells like feces and has water seeping up around the tiles whenever there's any pressure applied, traitorous peoples abound, idiotic people harass, and I'm stuck here having myself a nice pity party because I have no clue where to find a place to sleep. I would, you know, use my bed, but because of the current floor condition, I have to have things piled on the bed (my shelves and all surfaces are covered with my and my roommate's belongings, like books and such) and therefore can not sleep on said bed.
I'm tired and I'm whiney.
November 28 2006
dont you love it when you smell your hands his you smell him even 2 hours after he took you home
a train and a christmas tree
who knew it could be that much fun?
November 28 2006
Someone told me that I am being blind to something that is right in front of me that could make me happy.
How do I stop being blind when I don't know what I should be seeing?
November 28 2006
hey there!
i havent posted in awhile.
so yeh.. life is boring.. basically.. school sucks... tae kwan do is amazing and thats the jist of my life these days.. lol
God's word, is so good
November 28 2006
16This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life
for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 17If
anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has
no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? 18Dear
children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and
in truth.
This seems like one of those verses I just.. missed somehow. I've read it several times I'm sure.
But man...
Let us not love with words, or with our tongue, but with actions, and in truth.
November 28 2006
"and all you have to do is cry"
and that's all I want to do....
But I don't think I have any tears left in my eyes
after last night...
it's not fair
a girl should be able to cry if she wants to
things to cry about::
Baby #2
Not skinny enough
Not pretty enough
Not smart enough
Stepping over boundaries
Not knowing what to say
Not knowing how to fix what I ruined
Missing someone
Wishing it wasn't four.frikkin.days
Wondering about life/the future
Wondering if he loves me
and on the list could go...*sigh*
maybe they're right?
we'll find out.
November 28 2006
Haven't posted in a while... So I was in the crucible... It went well... Done some crazy things like convention and I stayed at lee... Also very fun. And I started musical practice.... It's going to be a tough one this year. And also Thanksgiving was awesome! Except I was sick for the whole week but it was alot of fun!
November 28 2006
November 28 2006
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder ...
November 28 2006
On Tuesday I slept in until 415 ... so I had about 3.5 hours sleep. Actually had enough time to check emails and blog ... had internet access worked ... which it didn't. Guess I could have slept even later as I wasted 30 minutes trying to log on.
As for today .... same old ... same old.
Decy is starting to organize the house, now that the shipment arrived. No doubt things will change and be moved every day.
... that's all.
ciao ciao
Number 4
November 28 2006
The papers are easy, but I am not focused (probably due to the cold).
I need prayer.
On a better note, I can see Christmas break through the tunnel of finals, and it looks good. I am going to read like crazy and drink soup. Yes.. For a month! Well, almost. And next semester looks good. Fun things, apart from the math class I am taking. I dislike math in a classroom setting. I did go to Math Competition that one time. Oh yeah, that was awesome!
further adventures is sex education
November 28 2006
So today in JROTC, they played that game with the different colored hershey kisses that stand for pregnancy or various diseases and such, yes?
Well, most of these kids have played this game in middle school. So they all take the silver ones, because those are always the disease-free ones. By the time they get passed to the seniors, there's one silver one and a whole bunch of gold ones left. Trish and I take the gold ones, assuming we've caught some terrible disease, while Clint takes the silver one.
Everyone who has a gold one is told to stand up. This means me, Trish, and one or two of the sophomores we teach. We're all certain that we now have gonorrhea or chlamydia or something, but lo and behold... they've changed things up.
The gold ones apparently now mean that you've stayed abstinent.
And the silver ones that all the "good" kids took mean that they got knocked up. (This must have been 20-something kids in the class.)
This may seem like a boring story to you, but trust me...
There aren't many things funnier than me and Trish Fusco being the "abstinent" ones in our class.
(Also, as a disclaimer: I have been abstinent thus far in my life, but not because of a grand commitment to save myself for marriage or anything.)
Anyways. I guess you had to be there. Feel free to go about with your daily business now.
November 28 2006
Here I am, sitting around in the Lounge because at 1:30 am today, the friggin dorm flooded from Exploded Toilet Syndrome. One guy flushed and it started spraying a bit, so while he was trying to find an RA or a maintenance person or some such thing, some moron from down the hall grabbed a wrench so he could "fix it." He broke it worse and sprayed water all over the place. It leaked down through the lobby floor and into the rooms on both sides of mine. From there, it flowed out into my hallway and into my room. By the time it was all said and done, there were ~3-4 inches of water in my floor. I'm not happy.
November 28 2006
Whats new with you?
I'm getting married in 5 months..
Hows your mom?
November 28 2006
The old skillet cd's are decent at best.... I didn't really care for them that much, but the new one blows my mind!
Adam was listening to some of the songs from it the other night. The next morning I went and bought it. It's one of the best cd's I've ever heard.
Wow.... it's worth the money. Everyone needs it.
November 28 2006
I want mad skills like Morgan...
She can mop without water!!!
no new question today
November 28 2006
November 27 2006
I'm back again!
Skitzo was fun, I'm an alcoholic druggie in a short play we're doing in like a week. I'm having a little too much fun I think, but it's fun none the less.
Camden just found some bottles of sparkling grape juice that we intended to use on Thanksgiving, but promptly forgot about. So now we're drinking one. I love the stuff.
P.S.- I just started a new group, nothing special but I just felt like it.
November 27 2006
When we arrive,
sons and daughters,
we'll make our homes on the water.
We'll build our walls
we'll fill our mouths with
These currents pull us
'cross the border.
Steady your boats arm to shoulder,
till tides are pulled, hold our grounds,
making this cold harbor home now.
Take up your arm,
sons and daughters,
we will arise from the bunkers.
By land, by sea, by dirigible,
we'll leave our tracks untraceable.
When we arrive,
sons and daughters,
we'll make our homes on the water.
We'll build our walls
we'll fill our mouths with
my strength as a weakness?
November 27 2006
your biggest weakness?
i'm so good at expressing everything in words. too good. biting my tongue because i know know all too well what i want to say, and all too well that i can't say it.........
Bored, fixin' to eat!
November 27 2006
Miss.Candace Casey
Pink Eye and Glasses and Things Like Astronomy
November 27 2006
So school is winding down and I'm feeling it. I'm getting ready for a history test this Thursday and an astronomy project this Friday, not to mention the three papers due next week, my EMC project (which I mentioned yesterday) and an astronomy test. I hate astronomy. But, the good news is that my group project counts for 20% of my grade. And I think that'll be good because I can moderately understand what I'm supposed to be talking about. It's a really difficult concept, but I have a lot of good information on it... so I think I'm good to go.
Oh yes, and GREAT NEWS! I got into TV Production today!!! YAY!
After waiting for the stupid permission of department to go through it finally did! So I am happy about that, and now I do have a schedule worth posting:
(Honors) Psychology of Abnormal Behavior TR 9:40-11:05
Honors Interdiscplinary Seminar (Creativity & Exploration) MW 12:40-2:05
Adolsecent Psychology MWF 10:20 - 11:15
Television Production TR 11:20 - 12:45, R lab 1:00 - 2:25
Radio Response
November 27 2006
Bacon Bits make for a good snack
November 27 2006
But they give you some seriously bad breath. Ah well, give me the artificial bacon-y goodness.
I proved today that the pen is mightier than the sword (or in this case J.T.s arm). I'm quite proud of myself. Of couse now most of the guys in my English class want to have a one-on-one fist fight with me to see if I can actually take them down. Yeah, not so cool. I don't think I want to repeat myself.
Nami is chirping his birdie head off, and Lucy's tweeting right back. It's so cute.
I'm bored, but I have Skitzo practice later on. No worries over here.
November 27 2006
Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noonday.
—Psalm 37:3-6
the most wonderful time of the year
November 27 2006
Trish: Sarah!
Sarah: Yeah?
Sarah: Seriously?
Trish: *nods*
Sarah: YAY! *jumps up and down with excitement*
My favorite about teaching a sophomore class in JROTC? SEX ED! This will be the... sixth year in a row that I have that abstinence-only program that Rutherford County runs. It hath melted my brain.
Abstinence Lady: So, if you found out today that you were pregnant, how would that change your plans? You'd have three choices. You could either raise it, put it up for adoption, or have an abortion...
Me: I'd be a lot wealthier a year from now... I'd sell mine on the black market!
Ahhhh... This is my favorite week of the year. I love to see the disappointed look on the AZITA people's faces when they realize that their preaching to a bunch of hyperactive sex addicts...
Hello Oakland!!
November 27 2006
It also made me realize how different things are at Webb than public school. But I guess thats a good thing and a bad thing. I miss a bunch of people and hope that everyone misses me. But at the same time..I am really glad that I'm at Webb.
But I have to go finish up some SPEECH homework. (UGH!!!!!!) So I'll post more later.
November 27 2006
man, there are few things that i just truly dislike in this world. i wont list all of them, but i will say this. spanish class stinks. like, really stinks. i strongly dislike it. but really, i dont think it's the class. it's just the fact that i'm expected to know all this stuff, and i dont. so in a way it's my fault.
so in the end, what i dont like is not knowing and feeling confused.
i'll write more about this weekend later. but now, i gotta go to math.
hasto luego
My Next Blog
November 27 2006
Question 11: Profile?
November 27 2006
If you could change one thing about the profiles on PhuseBox, what would it be?
This would include how your info is displayed, the way you can click on things in the profile, the way music, movies, etc are listed... and such.