
August 08 2005
"You tell me when I'm being an arrogant son of bitch, and I tell you when you're a pain in the ass, which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a two second recovery rate, and then you're on to doing the next pain in the ass thing. So it's not going to be easy; it's going to be really hard. We're going to have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that. Because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday!" -the notebook

Im so glad I have that. ^^


August 08 2005
*sigh* I heart that movie... I think I am going to go watch it now!!!


August 09 2005
oh I sooo *heart* you more!!!!! haha You rock!!

Brett Tenpenny

August 09 2005
lol.. so what, i like the notebook. it was cool


August 12 2005
Oh....i LOVE that movie!!!

Nathan Garrett

August 15 2005
yes...obviously im glad you have that as well!!! OMG...RACHEL HOW ARE YA MAN!!! Great to see that youre still kickin and stuff!!! lata

Nathan Garrett

August 15 2005
HEY!!!! We are FRIENDS!!!!!haha

Nathan Garrett

August 15 2005
Dude im doing amazingly well!!! I heard that you made it back to choir, just like you told me you would!! I think I am jealous of everyone that got to sing w/you!!! ITS JUST NOT FAIR!!!well i moved back about 3 weeks ago, and Im just kinda hangin out for now!!! the real question is...HOW ARE YOU DOING?!!!! haha lata