well, crap.

June 28 2005
evidentally, i've been causing my parents a LOT of stress lately. mainly my mom. bless her heart.

apparently, my attitude has changed since i hit 18. thats no good. i really dont think it has.. its just now im able to say some things that i've been thinking for a long time, and if i'd said it before.. well... heh.

and now that im 18, im "out too much.." (3 nites a week, my friends, 3 nites.) oh yea. and im "dating too many boys." (im NOT! lol but i wont tell you how many...)

and seemingly, the mere fact im 18 brings insurmountable amounts of worries to my parents. they're afraid of what bad things im going to do. like, get credit cards, and be promiscuous and such. or smoke.

along with a multitude of other things....

and how the heck does my little brother get away w/so much more than i ever did?! um, can you say "not fair?" lol i can... :)


June 28 2005
Gah, I know how you feel. My little sister can get away with ANYTHING. Too many boys? I'm out of the loop... What happened to Kowano?? *confused beyond all reason* And yes, the prince would have been very lovely had he not been a cartoon.

Jordan Taylor

June 29 2005
ahh life, its about trust, but if i was a parent i would be worried to..so.... hope to see you at band camp...?

Jane Woodard

June 29 2005
boys>? lol. how many? now i'm curious


June 29 2005
heh, i love you ray ray... next year we wont have to worry about any of this!!!

Brett Tenpenny

June 30 2005
im sorry.. im just more cute than you!!! lol, i was just kiddin. I love you soo much, and i think that your a cool sister and an awesome 18 year old. and you know that i would help you in fights more often, but, id get grounded.

Jordan Taylor

July 01 2005
lol well thank you, but no, if anybody thinks that ill beat them up....and ruth wouldnt mind....but the hot thing i cant argue...just drop by :]

Tyler H.

July 01 2005
ummmmmmm....no comment

Rachael Robertson

July 01 2005
we miss our 5th rach(a)el... bleh

Rebekah Minor

July 03 2005
rachel!!! i love this picture of you!! its amazing! pertaining to your post...i feel ya!


July 03 2005
yeah, i think the whole younger sibling thing happens with all families.. my brothers always complain that i get more freedom than they had and im the yougest of 3