long hours... short temper

February 10 2006

i absolutely LOVE my job. to most people i'm a paper pusher with a boring 9-5 job that any one would kill themselves over... but i love it. It suits me, which is weird since any one who knows me knows that i probably should hate working a 9-5 corporate job. but for some reason... i love it. i like the security of it, i like the organization of it, i like the benefits of it... i like everything about it... well almost everything. this is where most of you will check out b/c i will start kind of talking about the mortgage business (which is fine with me b/c this is more of a vent for myself anyway) I just don't understand... i've stepped up, worked my arse off, made this company millions of dollars, and while i get the recognition and respect from the people of which it REALLY matters, i don't get the respect of my peers. I had a realization day after working a HARD 12 hour work day that every single person in my department, with the exception of my friend Alyshia and my boss Michele, absoluetely hate me. Call it anger, call it resentment, call it jealousy, call it what you will but they all hate me. And i can't figure it out. they think (because i'm friends with Michele, my boss) that it is smooth sailing for me. Well... they're fudging idiots! I get here before them in the morning and i leave after them at night. I watch the sun rise and set at work... and i NEVER complain about it. i mean do they think i sit back here and pick my ass all day? The only reason i have time to even get on here and write is b/c today is the "calm before the storm". I don't know, i guess what i am saying is i love my job and my dedication and love for it make me a better employee than most (and NO, i am not tooting my own horn). And all of the things that i do here, and working the twelve hour days are not for the recognition or bragging rights, it's because i have a genuine concern for this companys success... i guess it would just be nice for one of my peers ONE time to say "thanks Melissa, you did a good job"..

but i won't hold my breath.


February 10 2006
your peers suck ass. fuck them all. i love you.