
February 13 2006

Hooray for snow days...too bad I have a paper to write.

By the way, Gambit is a cool X-Man, no doubt, but Phoenix completely blows him out of the water!!

^Famke Janssen looking über kick-butt as Phoenix in X-Men: The Last Stand


February 13 2006
can't wait 2 c x-3

Garrett Haynes

February 13 2006
Yeah like i said before...Phoenix can do basically everything God its not fair. Gambit on the otherhand, is a more believable mutant. He can like shoot magic cards and slice crap in half...there is like nothing cooler than that. But I agree, phoenix is pretty tight. I can't wait till x-3 its gonna be sooo tight!


February 13 2006

Sarah Vermillion

February 13 2006
Nope. Sorry. Gambit wins. {Phoenix is cool too.}


February 13 2006
Ok I know nothing on this subject but have a great day lol Abi