

Couldn't Think of a Catchy Title

September 01 2005
So recently (as in the last several months), I have discovered the world of independent music(ians). Why hasn't anyone told me what I was missing!?!? This stuff makes me want to empty the iPod of all the junk and fill it up with the good stuff.

In other news, tonight (or rather last night) was the first mid-week gathering at AO. It was incredible! I have prayed so hard for so long that God would use AO and everyone in it to accomplish great things. Tonight was a huge answer to prayer! Turnout was great, but more importantly, we were able to connect with many students (both old and new) and make them feel welcome and loved.
My heart is for the student who comes in and knows absolutely no one and feels extremely uncomfortable with the big group of people socializing with itself. This is one area that I feel AO has been lacking in for sometime. I say that because I used to be one of those students. I don't want the "little" people to fall through the cracks because they don't know the right people and don't have the social skills or confidence to approach anyone.
You should see the stack of signup sheets of students interested in J-Groups (small, accountibility groups) and care families. To be honest, the numbers are somewhat daunting, but I know that God has a plan and will bring forth the leaders and families to meet the need as He sees fit.

I have just a few more little things to take care of before the routine schedule finally kicks in and I can abandon the overused run-run-run-with-no-sleep mode. Moving Thursday is one of those tasks. Hopefully, it will be my last move for a while.

Well, I've been home for an hour (left at 1:00AM) and I'm a little tired. I have class at 8:00AM so my alarm is set for 6:45AM. If anyone wants to call me to see if I'm awake ::hint hint::, my number is 615-397-0339.

Matt Beard

September 02 2005
tried to give u a call..um...2 days ago i think? couldn't get through. they're messing w/ the towers. i'll be home monday morning around 7ish. i'll give u a call then.