

Anti-dating Nate

August 29 2005
Blah blah blah, another typical "first day of class" post.

I was a little nervous about today because I haven't been in school for a year. All in all, it was pretty good. I'm comfortable with the class load and times. I will be more comfortable when I can actually get a good nights sleep.

Last night, I was laying in bed at about 12:45 thinking that I was actually going to get a decent night's sleep when the phone rang. My ex-girlfriend was on the other end and had a shaky voice. She said she needed to talk. Given the time and the sound of her voice, I thought it might be serious, so I agreed reluctantly. She came to the house and we sat on the front porch.
She was upset about something that happened with me that she didn't know about. She thought it was her business when it didn't have anything to do with her. She was angry and upset.
The thing was, that this was something she wasn't ever going to know. I only told six people and assumed that it was in confidence. However, one of them ended up "accidently" telling her.
She ended up leaving at 3:30 this morning. I ended up getting a little more than three hours of much needed sleep.

Every time I think this stupid, soap-opera-ish, tiring relationship crap is going to end (it's been nine months), something comes up and screws it all up!

I'm so very tired of this. Seeing the grief that has come out of this relationship, I don't have the desire for a dating relationship. The headache and heartache from this one is enough to last many years. I feel like I don't have the emotional energy to give to the friends I care about. I'm drained.

Jennifer Hood

August 29 2005
hey, sorry you had to go through that. i love you and i'm praying for you.


August 29 2005
hey, I let you sleep for 30 mins waiting for your class in the BAS!!


August 29 2005
wow...you're definitely in my prayers...get some sleep & spend some down time w/ just yourself & God...i know that's where i am...i need some time w/o others for a lil bit b/c i'm just drained too

Matt Beard

August 30 2005
coffee, nate, it always helps. give me 4 days and i'll buy you some myself.