

Fall Retreat and Stuff(edCouch)

October 28 2005
In about 13 hours we leave for fall retreat, it will be awesome. I'm trying to pack, but then I realize that I really need to do a load of laundry. The washer is not being very quiet right now. I really hope it doesn't wake my roommate up. Normally, I would just shut it off and wait til morning, but I really need to get this stuff done so I can finish packing.

I'm excited about the retreat. I've heard that I may get to sleep outside, which will be incredible with the stars shining through the crisp air. The speaker we have coming is amazing as well. Jason handed out a bunch of CD's that had two sermons from this guy. I listened to both of them twice. Amazing how God can use a message from a guy I don't know, recorded who know's when to hit me right in the chest. Yeah... I'm excited.

In other news, what should I do with my website ()? It used to be a blog, but I've got this now (I quit blogging there originally to get away from a stalker). I use it for R&D, but nobody sees that except me :) Maybe I'll just mirror the RSS feed from here and make it look pretty. Yeah, that's prob what I'll. I might play around with . Who knows? I am getting into a little bit of 3D rendering stuff. Maybe that'll be my showcase.


October 28 2005
this is what i know how to do with a car: change the oil check my oil change a flat tire pump gas do i need to name more!!!!

Jennifer Hood

October 28 2005
have a blast at fall retreat!! I'll miss you guys!


October 28 2005
A stalker? How scary!