

No Catchy Title (as if the others are catchy)

October 25 2005
I met with my J-Group tonight. It was great! Only two guys showed up, but I'm getting comfortable with my guys being sporadic.
Intercession was neat tonight. I got in there late and left early. God did what He wanted to do quickly and effectively. Turns out I got the chance to pray with a friend of mine who is going through a tough time. He is so faithful! I can't comment enough about how His timing is perfect. He shows just enough of His grand scheme at just the right moment, just when it's truly needed. He answers prayer in ways that I could not have imagined (talk about creativity).

A few people had some questions about . My previous post was not directed at any one person, or any five people for that matter. Consider it a blanket. If anyone has questions about it, please call me. I would love to talk about it.

Renee Ashworth

October 25 2005
i agree His timing is PERFECT!!!


October 25 2005
its crazy....that is what God has been teaching me for a couple weeks now!!!