why didn't we wear our homemade t-shirts?

September 10 2005
at the coldplay concert i saw 2 perfectly normal looking guys wearing their own homemade t-shirts that said " where's gwyneth?" and then the back said "madison square garden sept 7 coldplay concert" .... you get the point. i can't believe that the eight of us who went didn't coordinate that as well. what were we thinking not making t-shirts to commemorate the occasion? next time we're so doing it.

seriously - they were sooo good live. one of the best concerts i've ever been to.

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd

photo from susanrloyd


September 11 2005
wow .. i love colplay . im going to there concert this friday i cant wait it looks like yall had a lot of fun! -elizabeth