Michael Patterson
Relationship Status
Pebblebrook High School
Point Park University
skydiving, dancing, singing, acting, technical theater, adventure sports, whitewater, cliff diving
Favorite Music
rock, classic rock, alternative, anything really, esp DMB
Favorite Movies
TOP GUN!!!!, zoolander
Favorite Books
the five people you meet in heaven, and tuesdays with morrie.
Other Websites
so this is blogging
June 09 2005
i'm so tired of not having a blogging job. so i figured if it came to this i could blog all day here...... ya know this really isn't working out between us, i mean i'm trying to be funny and you're just a computer. OH WELL! i think i'm gonna go jump out of a plane tomorrow, or at least go hang out with the people at the DZ so i can get a feel for who they are before i entrust my life with their equipment. Ah ha! decision has been made; i'll just hang with them tomorrow and then jump on saturday. If you never hear from me again, assume the worst; but remember if the worst should happen i have moved onto green pastures...
filled with black and white spotted cows.
filled with black and white spotted cows.