Stephen Hamby
Relationship Status
Siegel High School
Computers, God, Church, movies (making mostly, but i like to watch), media, leading worship
Favorite Music
david crowder band, chris tomlin, matt redman, charlie hall, shane & shane, Echosflow, jeremy camp, newsboys, casting crowns, Big Daddy Weave, Building 429, Newsboys, Michael W. Smith, Anberlin, Hillsong United, Coldplay, Relient K, Switchfoot, Tim Hughes, Polynesian Hot Sauce
Favorite Movies
Bruce Almighty, The Passion of the Christ, Spiderman series, Armeggedon, Dumb and Dummer, napoleon dynamite, forrest gump, pearl harbor, castaway, The Sandlot, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Heavyweights
Favorite Books
The Bible, The Next Generation Leader, Time to be Bold, I am Not But I Know I am, Chasing Daylight
Other Websites
June 07 2005
so i was bored and took a look of how many users we now have on phusebox and the number was yesterday 123 users. today it is 165 users. wow this going to be the bigger and better than xanga before long!