July 20 2005
I just now found out that Dave Matthew's Band is in concert in Nashville tonight... darn it!

Oh well....

I've been workin' on the stuff for band camp, it's working out good!

Good Nerdy Momma jokes:
Your mom is so ugly; she put her face up to a retinal scanner and got ERROR: INVALID MEDIA

Dim YourMom as Variant

Your Mom is so stupid, she uploads executables in ASCII mode.

Your Mom is so fat, if she was a c variable, her initialization would look like this: yourMom = (TFAT*) malloc(sizeof(YOUR_MOM)); //Stack Overflow

Kids in the Way!
One of the best bands on earth! I love them!
Check them out on Purevolume!.

(click here to go to their page on purevolume.)

So I'm curious, what do you wanna be when you grow up?

Gloria Patri

lisa marie

July 20 2005
when i grow up i jsut want to be a wife.. and a mom. lol. i know i know.. such a lisa answer. i do also want to do somethings in music ministries for churches. i would LOVE to start churches and be a aprt of that... but ministry wise.. God hasnt showed me what he wants me to do yet.. so the mother/wife thing looks great to me! thats what i'm focusing on. its been great talking to you lately. you're an awesome guy! be blessed -- lisa marie

Nathan Moore

July 20 2005
ok. now i am convinced we are the same person... you posted the nerdy momma jokes to your site... i just read those from this morning and found them absolutely funny. most people would not understand them though... so yeah.

ashley jade

July 20 2005
i noticed you like the Princess Bride. it was included in your list of favorite movies. "Inconcievable!" i was just saying that to myself earlier, randomly thinking about that movie. yay.