
February 07 2006

1.  just found out that _____ ______ ___ _____!!!!  (i would love to tell you, but i can't)

2.  roy, this really nice manager who use to work at Demos'? yeah, well, we thought he had quit to move to texas, NOPE!  he was fired for sexual harrassment!!  AND HE IS A SWINGER!!!!  creeeeeepy

3.  the guy who came into marble slab this summer with brooks boyd, the guy who looks like FREDDIE PRINCE JR. he now works at Demos' and is JUSTIN SURPASS the drunkard who had been arrested about a zillion times!!!

my head hurts!!!

also, this is sad, i was waiting to eat tonight, and standing next to me was a family w/ a "papa" who was drunk in public and the little boy was so sad because he knew his family was causing a scene and was really embarrassed.  it just made realize that i'm really blessed with the family i have and i hope that one day, he will not be like the rest of them.


elizabeth duncan

February 07 2006
wow, gossip much?


February 08 2006
its dustin serpas:-p