Here goes...

August 26 2005
This week, school started. My first thought was, okay, I have a job. Now what?

I am very blessed to be surrounded by wonderful Christian teachers and principles. (Yay! I can get away with a few sacred Christmas songs!)

Oh, and bulletin boards? Not easy! And I have 2 classrooms at 2 schools. My life has been hanging out with old equipment and bulletin boards....and dusting....lots of dusting!

This is definitely increasing my faith, though. I prayed for one job offer. I had three interviews from 8 bids. I ended up with one job offer. I know this is where God wants me right now. (This is a smiley face moment) On top of that, God is reminding me that He does not call the equipped, He equips the called.

So glad to see Luke and Joey, the Wonder Non-Brothers on here! Miss you guys so much!

Emily and Jess, this is me thanking God that we share a wall (which will soon be torn down and replaced with an accordion divider....I'm gonna run it by Big fact, Joel suggests busting out your wall with the Taylors, too. We can have a real live compound!).

And to everyone out there, Genesis 3 is SO not just original sin! There is so much more to it than that... More later.

Love to all!