The Greatest Quotes Collection--AZ Edition

August 15 2005
Okay, I told everyone that I would collect quotes on our mission in AZ and that I would post them. Here they are, with much ado and even more public demand:

"Oh, look at the rocks! They look like little turds!" --"Hard Core Bacon" Erin Kelly

"What's wrong? Can we pee?!" --Branden Baker, after a long drive to the Grand Canyon

"You can come in, but I'm warning you: we're not wearing any pants!" --me, after a long day and a lot of caffeine

"I'm completely ignorant!" --Hard Core

"ROCKS!....Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks!" --Tiffany "Talks-in-Sleep" Manning

"I'm a lousy expert!" --Rachel Dozier, describing her status after checking all 44 WVians and Alabamans for lice (which, in its singular form is "louse")

"I want everyone to be peeing clear!" --Jay Barrow, on the dehydration situation in AZ, prompting us to then ask if there was a prize for the first clear peeing individual and what process would be used for proof...yikes.

"Carefree Highway...Happy Valley...these people are on a lot of drugs!" --Tiffany Manning, on the geographic locations noted driving from Flagstaff to Phoenix

"I wonder if we can fit one of these coffee tables in our luggage..." --Tiffany Manning, on the amazing hotel we got to spend the night in after a week of roughing it during tarantula season near the Apache rez (thank you, Jamie Waugh!)