
January 30 2006

Here's a question: Is fear a sin?

I, for one, would be a terrible sinner if it were.  I fear so many things.  This morning is an example.  I was late for work and driving out of my parking lot.  A woman started walking toward my car.  All I could tell was that she said "Stop" (my stereo was to loud to hear anything, but I read that word on her lips).  Of course, I did not stop.  Instead, I locked my doors and avoided eye contact, fearing that she was strung out on crack or meth and would attempt to get in my car.

But I couldn't shake the thought of her.  Did I do something wrong?  Was I really protecting myself from danger, or only from my own fantastic fears?  I have been successfully socialized to the thought that one should not talk to strangers or panhandlers, should not pick up hitchhikers, and should never walk alone in the dark.  I've watched enough Law and Order and CSI to figure that out.

I fear other things: loneliness. failure. disappointment.  I fear them and avoid them with all my might.  Yet Christ said that He would be with me always.  Fear not.  That He would give me peace.  I need the peace that passes understanding.

But while I know fear is harmful, I still wonder, is it a sin?