open forum part 2

December 05 2005

Well kids, here are your answers:

Mady-How much do I love you? Well I think that I would have to say . . . almost as much as Jesus does. That’s a whole lot. That’s also about how much I love everyone.

Rebekah-Naked? For a million dollars? Shoot, my clothes would be off faster than . . . something very fast. Yeah, that was a pretty terrible analogy, so I’ll try to do better . . . yeah, I got nothin’.

Kelsey-No, the party was not more fun without you, I’m sad that you couldn’t make it. What’s the other question?

Aimee-I needed you to ice a cake for me . . . a very special cake . . . that’s about all I can say on here. Message me.

Sara Shaban-Love at first sight? Seriously? Probably not. That would probably be something more along the lines of infatuation. But I do believe that sometimes you can feel a deep connection with someone at first sight . . . I just don’t know if I think that that’s love.

Andrew-I am not, in fact, a treacherous traitor; I am a treacherous whore. Aside from that, it’s all quite simple: I once signed a pact that I would never betray anyone-ever-and that I would certainly not whore about . . . we see how well that worked. That fiendish Chloe . . .

Megan-Of course I missed you after you left my party; I didn’t get a chance to poke you or bother you about Kelly.

Anna-I thought we already settled this marriage thing? The deal is if neither of us are married by the time that you turn 30, we get hitched. I proposed to you a long time ago . . . and now that we’re both 18 I guess it technically counts . . .along with 54 others, but we won’t go there in this paragraph.

Beth-How many times have I been in love? Probably never if we’re being realistic; though I’ve either been there or close on one or maybe two occasions in my opinion.

Sarah Bowers-Hmm . . . probably $5. I am not to dependent on Starbucks coffee that I wouldn’t go home and brew my own if it got any higher than that for one drink. Of course if I were buying for a lot of people, I would buy until I had no more money with me, just to be nice. And so I could sip everyone’s coffee.

Dani-You ask me a very interesting question. I would think that the answer to your question is yes, we (boys) are all stupid, at least as far as matters like that are concerned. But hey, who isn’t stupid at some point or another, especially in relationships? I do believe that the general rule of thumb is "boys are stupid and girls are evil."

Kim-Yes, I do like Pirates of the Caribbean . . . in fact, I can’t wait for the sequel to come out on July 7th. Or maybe it was the 8th. Early July, either way.

Jessica-The meaning of life . . . hmm . . . I think it would change depending on who you asked. Personally, I think life is supposed to be your love letter back to God. Life is a journey, not a destination, and it’s all about what happens along the way and whether or not you get pulled down in the trenches or persevere and make life a little easier for the people to come after you. The good and the bad, you have to take all of it and learn to appreciate every experience you have. Your actions against-and reactions to-your circumstances are what makes you who you are; and when you realize who you are, you have realized the meaning of your life.

Ben-No. Lol, just kidding. You will be romantically happy when you quit worrying about it and just live. Girls are pretty cool . . . but don’t let them consume you. See the above paragraph.

Cara-If I had a dollar for every time I made a complete fool of myself, I would be the richest man alive. As far as your college question, I’m going to take the cheap way out and say that you will end up wherever you are supposed to go. If I knew where you applied, I might take a stab in the dark to see how close I could get.

Nathan-Big Bird is totally a guy. I think . . . gah, that’s going to bother me now . . .

Michal-I didn’t invite you to my party because I really didn’t think you would come if I did. Simple as that. I was actually on the verge of asking you, but chickened out. Maybe next time . . . can’t have you walking around with a broken heart.

Caleb-Cottage cheese and bologna together, or just in general? In general, yes, I do. Together, I have never tried, but it doesn’t sound particularly tasty. How would you eat it? On a sandwich? Or would you just smother the bologna with cottage cheese and roll it up Swiss cake roll style? This is interesting . . .

Zach-As much as it would bother our parents, friends, your girlfriend, and our religious affiliation, I guess I have to say yes, I will marry you. Now get at the back of the line, ;P. I have missed you a lot this semester, and you better hang out with me whenever you get back for Christmas break.

Sarah from Alabama-This question is tough, because if I say yes, I sound conceited, and if I say no I sound like I have self-esteem issues. And, of course, it all depends on exactly how cool people say I am . . . which I really can’t imagine to be very cool . . . but we’ll go with yes.

Christina-School buses smell like pepperoni? What bus have you been riding? Just kidding, school buses smell like pepperoni because the patron saint of school bus drivers is St. (Papa) John, who also happens to be the patron saint of pizza, so they burn pepperoni-scented candles to him under the dash. I thought everyone knew that . . .

Amy Powers-I have several theories as to why random people request friendship on Phusebox. Any or all of my theories may apply to any random Phuseboxer who requests your friendship: A) They think that you are hott. These people usually accompany their request with a message to you saying about as much. They are also, quite often, awkwardly younger than you are. B) They are extremely insecure and have no real friends to be friends with, so they ask random people in the hope that it will make it look like someone does, in fact, notice (and care) that they are alive. C) They are having some sort of a contest with someone else to see how many friends they can get and don’t really care whether they know you or not. That’s not all of them, but it’s the top three main reasons, in my professional opinion.

Emily-This question was pure evil. If I could marry seven people, who would I marry? I could take the cheap way out and rattle off a bunch of really attractive actresses that I have no chance with ever, but where’s the fun in that? I’ll rattle off a bunch of names of people that I actually know that I have no chance with ever (in no particular order). 1) You. You deserve to be married to me for asking this question. 2) Sarah Moore. Because we would make random sounds at each other about as often as we actually talked. 3) Michal Mulane. She’s funny and pretty (fun to be mean to). 4) Megan McDonald. Because it would really tick off Kelly. 5) Sara Mohammed Shaban. You never know when you will need al-Qaeda connections. 6) Jessica Sanders. Just to cause lots of drama and keep things interesting around the house. 7) Kelly Sullivan. Because she makes funny noises when you poke her in the side. I’m sure I left out someone important, but that will have to do because I ran out of numbers . . . you should have asked who I would marry if I could marry 55 girls.

Michal-Will I be your boyfriend? Sure, why not? No one else will take me . . .

Aaron-You in a word? Weird.

Katie-How do you measure a year? With a calendar, stupid. Hehe. No, but seriously . . . I guess this is one of those sappy things where you are supposed to say you measure a year by your experiences, good times with friends, etc. Personally, I've had a very interesting year so far, but I can't say that I will be terribly sad to see 05 go . . . because that means 06 is coming!

Bethany-Do I think that people in heaven can see us? I guess that depends on whether or not you believe that people go straight to heaven when they die; do they go on up, or do they wait in the ground for the rapture? I think it makes more sense to believe that people wait in the ground, because if they went to heaven why would they come back to be raptured? Of course the fact that elijah was carried up to heaven in a chariot kinda messes with that theory, but he was elijah, so maybe he's special. I guess what I'm getting at, despite wishing to the contrary, is that I don't really believe that people can see us from heaven. As nice as it is to think that generations of your ancestors and heros are up there watching, I'm pretty sure that if you were in heaven you would be far too blown away by God to be paying attention to anyone else, especially us mortals. Of course, there is that verse in Hebrews about the cloud of witnesses, but that could be angels, or it could be that the people in heaven are in fact watching . . . so basically I just spent a huge paragraph running around in circles to say nothing more than I don't know; I don't think anyone really will until we are on the other side. This would be a better conversation to have in person than on a forum like this, so . . . bring it up sometime.

Holy cow, that was a really long post. I'm sorry. I did try to make it interesting for all of you, though.


December 05 2005
and again.. i must say.. suh-weet. =D


December 05 2005
nice man, ... actually this is beautiful!

Sara Shaban

December 05 2005
I must say, as much as I hate to admit it I'm very impressed with your answer. Ah I see I made the cut...yeah I'm pretty much perfect.

Jessica Sanders

December 05 2005
haha..i loved your answer to amy powers question....akwardly this from experience??? :-P ~Jessica


December 05 2005
Cottage cheese and a piece of bolagna on the side is good as is. and you can even take a bite of cottage cheese, then a bite of the bolagna!. thats good too. I havent tried the Swiss roll effect, sounds like it might be tasty. Buts its all good...will see ya

Sarah Bowers

December 05 2005
Haha....... good answer......... or, you could also sponge off of other's coffee w/o spending a dime =)........ you know, just to sample everything........WOOHOO..... my semester is FINALLY OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAYYY....... now I just need to get my grades back.... ttyl!

Rachel Chase

December 06 2005
yeah, i think about our old Star Wars club too.... especially since my brother is in one now. lol and a bunch of his friends think Jacen is pronounced Jay-kin and i'm like "no! you are retarded! ask Brian King, itz pronounced JAY-SEN! i mean, what word w/ 'ce' is not pronounced that way?" lol -Jaina