Rachael Moore


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you are a treasured possession

August 13 2005
i think bethany dillon said it best in her song, beautiful:

"i want to be beautiful
and make you stand in awe
look inside my heart
and be amazed
i want to hear you say
who i am is quite enough
i just want to be worthy of love
and beautiful"

yeah, that pretty much describes it. a longing deep inside me and most girls. too many times we search for approval of our beauty in the world. and many times our definitions for beauty are set by the world's standards. in growing closer to my Creator and reading 'captivating', i am learning about beauty. "every woman has a beauty to unveil. because she bears the image of God...beauty is an essence that is given to EVERY woman at her creation ." how awesome is that?! that quote would be from captivating, but the bible is full of God little messages to us as well.

"show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely" -songs of songs 2:14

"you have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes" -songs of songs 4:9

"the King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for he is your Lord" -psalm 45:11

God loves us and finds us captivating. He thinks we beautiful beyond compare. you are, indeed, loved and pursued by the Creator of the Universe. and when you begin to draw close to him, seeking after His heart, he will unveil your beauty. "true beauty comes from the inner parts of us. our hearts". God will illuminate your heart with joy, compassion, and love. your beauty will show through. a great verse for this is, "they looked to him and were RADIENT", go to him with your longing and question of beauty. He is the greatest lover, and the One who whispers the things you long to hear.

that is just something God has been laying on my heart. you are beautiful, you are loved. always remember that. i hope everyone has a fantastic day!


August 13 2005
I love that song so much. Good entry!

Ashley Davis

August 13 2005
not to start a captivating cult, but that book is incredible. God is dealing with the exact same questions in me. how has God created me to portray His beauty to this world? how am i beautiful?


August 13 2005
haha can i just echo ashley's remark!^^^ the book is amazing!

Laura Polis

August 13 2005
I love that song. I sang it @ girl scout camp in the talent so, I do love it.

Hope Anderson

August 14 2005
God's been doing the same thing in my life too!!! you're awesome! this post was really a blessing :) ~Hope