Rachael Moore


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The Last Three Passengers Have Arrived!

August 05 2005
whew. yesterday was crazy! so after my parents got off from work, we went to the airport. our flight left at 4pm, and we were pushing it leaving at 2:30. when we got there the long term parking lot was full. so we had to drive around the circle thing, back around to the economy lot. which was extremely full as well. so then we had to wait for a shuttle for about 10 minutes. we finally got in the airport...we tried to do the electronic thing, but because we were there 20 MINUTES before our flight was going to leave we were unable to. so the lady behind the desk said we would not make our flight and was being sooo rude! but after her being so slow we got our bording passes. then of course the security line was long. after that we had to RUN! our gate was at the very end of the hall...it was straight out of a movie. the plane had already begun to pull away. i just sat on the floor, expecting to have to wait until a later flight, then the lady asked if there was anyone left. so then, she says "the last three passengers have arrived". so we had to run OUT to the plane. everyone was waiting on us. it was crazy! and it did not stop there. when we got to D.C the were calling for me over the intercom. apparently i dropped my id. it was insane. then flew to philly, then to maryland. where my grandparents picked us up, to drive 30 minutes to delaware. and that was even a crazy trip with my pop-pop driving!!! whew. i am glad to be able to relax a bit. which won't be much, we have a big party tonight, then my aunt's wedding tomorrow.

but i miss all my wonderful friends! i feel like i haven't seen you guys in forever because of being gone to NY and now here. but you guys can call me, it won't be a problem, TRUST ME! i hope everyone has a great day!!!

"What God calls us to cannot be definitely stated because His call is simply to be His friend to accomplish His own purposes. Our real test is in truly believeing that God knows what He desires. The things that happen do not happen by chance- they happen entirely by the decree of God. God IS sovereignly working out his own purposes. If we are in fellowship and oneness with God and recognize that He is taking us into His purposes, then we will no longer strive to find out what His purposes are." -Oswald Chambers
that is awesome! God is teaching me to trust and wait for Him. He will lead me where I need to go in the right time.


August 05 2005
oh my goodness!!!hahahaha! i feel like i just read the scene from Home Alone! :o) wow what an adventure! i'm glad y'all made it safely tho! i'll talk to you later! call if u need to! i'll definitely be callin u sometime probably...


August 05 2005
Wow... how crazy! If I ever make movies one day... that's definitely going to be in one! I'm glad you made it though! Have fun with your family!

Nathan Moore

August 05 2005


August 05 2005
haha, sounds like my kind of trip. piece